Фразеологізми українською мовою та їх переклад на англійську мову. Д — К
давати прочухан to give it (to)
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to give it (to): «Alice gave it to her son for coming home late».
давати прочуханку to raise hell
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to raise hell: «The boss raised hell with the staff because they kept this information from him».
далеко піти to have come a long way
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have come a long way: «You have come a long way since we last met. You were a clerk then and now you are the director of a publishing house».
Дамоклів меч the sword of Damocles: a sword suspended by a single thread, and ready to descend and kill the person sitting below it
дарованому коню в зуби не дивляться never look a gift horse in the mouth
дати на лапу to grease someone’s palm: to bribe
дати по вухах to box the ears (to strike the ears hard, usually as punishment)
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to box the ears: «You take that back or I’ll box your ears».
дати тягу to make tracks for
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make tracks for: «It’ s getting late. We had better make tracks for home».
дати урок to teach a lesson
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to teach a lesson: «He decided to teach the wild actress a lesson».
дах поїхав to have a screw loose
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a screw loose: «He might have a screw loose, if he believes in all this».
двома ногами на землі with both feet on the ground / to have one’s feet firmly planted on the ground
Приклад вживання фразеологізму with both feet on the ground: «Margaret won’t get carried away by a lot of silly notions; she has both feet on the ground».
день у день day in, day out
Приклад вживання фразеологізму day in, day out: «Day in, day out Mr. Brinkman took a morning train and went to work».
джентльменська угода a gentleman’s agreement
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a gentleman’s agreement: «We have a gentleman’s agreement, which is as good as a signed contract».
дивитися вгори вниз to look down one’s nose
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to look down one’s nose: «At last David was able to understand the Americanos who looked down their noses at him, though what English he did speak, he spoke with an old Scotsman’s accent».
дивитися крізь пальці to turn a blind eye to
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to turn a blind eye to: «The old man loved his grandson very much and very often turned a blind eye to his misbehaviour».
дивитися правді в очі to face up to
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to face up to: «You must face up to the fact that we are jobless».
дивитися через рожеві окуляри to look through rose — coloured / tinted spectacles
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to look through rose — coloured / tinted spectacles: «Sally always enjoys her visits, she sees everything through rosecoloured spectacles, but she would feel differently if she had to live there».
дитя природи child of nature: someone who is innately good, even if unpolished
дівоче прізвище a maiden name: a wife’s family name prior to her marriage
дівчинка на побігеньках Girl Friday
Приклад вживання фразеологізму Girl Friday: «Jenny was Girl Friday in our office».
дійти до точки to be at one’s wits’ end
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be at one’s wits’ end: «I was at my wits’ end. I could not find the solution of this problem alone».
діяти на нерви to get on someone’s nerves
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get on someone’s nerves: «The old lady’s complains really got on my nerves».
діяти напевно to play safe
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to play safe: «You had better play safe and go to the railway station right now not to miss the last train».
для різноманітності for a change
Приклад вживання фразеологізму for a change: «Let’ s play another game for a change».
дні злічені one’s days are numbered
Приклад вживання фразеологізму one’s days are numbered: «You may not think it, seeing all this fair land, but the days of the human race are numbered».
днями one of these days: before long
до кінчиків пальців to one’s fingertips
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to one’s fingertips: «John was a bureaucrat to his fingertips».
до місця in place
Приклад вживання фразеологізму in place: «His warm socks were just in place, you know, for we had to take our shoes off, though the floor was so cold».
до посиніння until you are blue in the face
Приклад вживання фразеологізму until you are blue in the face: «She can tell her endless stories until she is blue in the face».
догори дном upside down
Приклад вживання фразеологізму upside down: «Everything was upside down in Brian’s room when he came back home».
доживати свої останні дні to be on one’s (its) last legs
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be on one’s (its) last legs: «Mr. Jones hasn’t enough money left to renew his stock; his business is on its last legs».
докласти руку до чого-небудь to have a finger in a pie
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a finger in a pie: «As soon as he heard there was to be a new program for gifted boys, he started preparing his own proposals. He has a finger in every pie».
докорінно root and branch
Приклад вживання фразеологізму root and branch: «The old customs in China have been destroyed root and branch by the new regime».
докласти усіх старань to leave no stone unturned: to spare no effort to obtain one’s end
досягати повноліття to come of age
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to come of age: «She was now nearly twenty — one. She was independent both by age and by income».
дотримуватися букви закону to keep within the letter of the law
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep within the letter of the law: «We shall try our best to keep within the letter of the law».
дотримуватися теми to stick to the point
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to stick to the point: «You should stick to the point instead of discussing problems that have nothing to do with the subject».
дощ ллє як з відра to rain cats and dogs
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to rain cats and dogs: «It has been raining cats and dogs for an hour already».
дратувати гусей to frighten the horses: to be indiscreet, to shock public opinion
друга молодість a new lease of life
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a new lease of life: «Debby’ s change of job has given her a new lease of life. She looks several years younger now».
друга натура second nature
Приклад вживання фразеологізму second nature: «Lucy lies for the sake of lying. It has become second nature to her».
друге дихання one’s second wind
Приклад вживання фразеологізму one’s second wind: «After a bad start, Paul got his second wind and tried again».
друкувати гроші to coin money: to make so much money from one’s business that it is almost the same as minting it oneself
дуже довго a whole good hour
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a whole good hour: «Mary spent a whole good hour waiting for him to finish his conversation with his mother».
душа йде / душа пішла в п’яти with one’s heart in one’s mouth / to have one’s heart in one’s boots / to have one’s heart sink into one’s boots
Приклад вживання фразеологізму with one’s heart in one’s mouth / to have one’s heart in one’s boots / to have one’s heart sink into one’s boots: «When I saw the doctor’s face, my heart sank in my boots» ./ «When I heard a knock at the door, my heart was in my mouth».
Душа пішла в п’яти One’s heart sank into one’s boots. (букв. «Серце опустилося в черевики»)
Душа розхристана Open — hearted
душа суспільства the life and soul
Приклад вживання фразеологізму the life and soul: «Jack is always the life and soul of the party».
душею і тілом body and soul
Приклад вживання фразеологізму body and soul: «What he does, he does body and soul».
жереб кинутий the die is cast: your action is irrevocable
жити відкритим домом to keep open house: to be at home to visitors at all the times; to offer them hospitality regardless of who they are
жити не відповідно до достатків to live beyond one’s means
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to live beyond one’s means: «No wonder the Howards have gone bankrupt; they have been living beyond their means for years».
жити як кішка з собакою to lead a cat and dog life
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lead a cat and dog life: «They quarrel furiously most of the time. It is difficult to understand how can they lead this cat and dog life».
Жити як на вулкані To sit on a powder keg. (букв. «Сидіти на пороховій бочці»)
жовторотий green / as green as grass
Приклад вживання фразеологізму green / as green as grass: «You cannot expect this boy to do business with such person as Arthur. He is only twenty and as green as grass».
З блиском with flying colours
Приклад вживання фразеологізму with flying colours: «Harry was expected to fail his examination, but he passed it with flying colours».
з відкритими обіймами to receive / welcome with open arnis
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to receive / welcome with open arnis: «I am sure they will welcome you with open arms».
з вогню та в полум’я out of the frying — pan into the fire / to jump out of the frying — pan into the fire
Приклад вживання фразеологізму out of the frying — pan into the fire / to jump out of the frying — pan into the fire: «Joe changed his job because he wanted more freedom, but in his new job he couldn’t leave the office without the manager’s permission. It was a case of out of the frying — pan into the ftre».
з голови до п’ят from head to toe
Приклад вживання фразеологізму from head to toe: «Susan was cherished by her parents, adored by Sly, protected by all of them. Money and security wrapped her from head to toe».
з голочки spick and span
Приклад вживання фразеологізму spick and span: «Everything is spick and span for our visitor».
з гріхом навпіл by the skin of one’s teeth
Приклад вживання фразеологізму skin of one’s teeth: «That was a near thing! I only escaped being conscripted into the army by the skin of my teeth».
з далеким прицілом a long shot
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a long shot: «It may be a long shot but / think Harry will marry again soon».
з других рук at second hand
Приклад вживання фразеологізму at second hand: «I have only received the news second hand, so it may not be reliable».
з легким серцем with a light heart
Приклад вживання фразеологізму with a light heart: «She has come home with a light heart. She has passed all her exams at last».
з лишком with a vengeance
Приклад вживання фразеологізму with a vengeance: «John was sure that all his expenses would be reimbursed with a vengeance».
з маху with all one’s might
Приклад вживання фразеологізму with all one’s might: «John hit the thief with all his might».
з молотка (продати, пустити, піти) to come under the hammer: to be sold by an auctioneer, to be put up for auction
з нальоту / нальоту at full speed
з неба звалитися to drop into someone’s lap
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to drop into someone’s lap: «All the best things in life must be worked for — love, friendship, success… they won’t drop into your lap».
з обіймів смерті out of the jaws of death
Приклад вживання фразеологізму out of the jaws of death: «He was snatched from the jaws of death by his friend».
з одного тіста зроблені tarred with the same brush
Приклад вживання фразеологізму tarred with the same brush: «I wouldn’t deal with anybody from this family, they are all tarred with the same brush».
з очей геть — із серця геть out of sight, out of mind
Приклад вживання фразеологізму out of sight, out of mind: «Out of sight, out of mind is the way of the world, but for me that’s no exuse».
з перших вуст at first hand / straight from the horse’s mouth
Приклад вживання фразеологізму at first hand / straight from the horse’s mouth: «I got the news at first hand, so I know it’s true». / «We’ d better ask the shipper what informotion they want to receive, for it’s the best thing when one can find out the in — structions straight from the horse’s mouth».
з першого погляду at first sight
Приклад вживання фразеологізму at first sight: «He fell in lave with her at first sight».
з плеча straight from the shoulder
Приклад вживання фразеологізму straight from the shoulder: «George told her the plain truth straight from the shoulder».
з року в рік year in, year out
Приклад вживання фразеологізму year in, year out: «Year in, year out Mr. Jackson would go to London in this time of the year to see his old friends».
з усіма потрухами lock, slock and barrel
Приклад вживання фразеологізму lock, slock and barrel: «After having been devorced Mr. Nicholas had to sell the house and contents, lock, stock and barrel».
з усього дуру with all one’s might
Приклад вживання фразеологізму with all one’s might: «There was no time to think; she stood and ran with all her might heading for the main street».
з хвилини на хвилину any minute
Приклад вживання фразеологізму any minute: «Mother can show up any minute here».
З чуток to know by name: to know a person’s name, but not to know him to speak to
з язика зірвати to take the words out of someone’s mouth
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to take the words out of someone’s mouth: «I wanted to say the same, hut you ’ve taken the words out of my mouth».
з’їхати з глузду to go off one’s head / to be off one’s head / to take leave of one’s senses
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go off one’s head: «He must have been off his head to try to climb the mountain without a guide». / «You must have taken the leave of your senses. Your flight is at 10.30 and you are still at home».
за безцінь to go for a song
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go for a song: «The picture went for a song because the painter had to raise money quickly».
за вдачею (за характером) in grain
Приклад вживання фразеологізму in grain: «He was a cowboy in grain».
за всяку ціну at all costs / by all means
Приклад вживання фразеологізму at all costs / by all means: «I must finish this article tomorrow by all means». / «The most dangerous thing you can do is to take any one impulse of our own nature and set it up as the thing you ought to follow at all costs».
за закритими дверима behind closed doors
Приклад вживання фразеологізму behind closed doors: «They discussed her proposal behind closed doors».
за словом в кишеню не лізе to have a ready tongue
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a ready tongue: «These folks are really wise, they have a ready tongue for all kinds of questions».
за спиною behind one’s back / when one’s back is turned
Приклад вживання фразеологізму behind one’s back / when one’s back is turned: «Laura said some very nasty words about you behind your back».
забивати собі в голову to get it into one’s head
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get it into one’s head: «Students couldn’t get Latin grammar into their heads».
заблукати в трьох соснах to be confounded by the simplest problem
заблукла вівця lost sheep
Приклад вживання фразеологізму lost sheep: «Was it necessary to risk his life for that lost sheep»?
заборонений плід stolen fruit / forbidden fruit
Приклад вживання фразеологізму stolen fruit / forbidden fruit: «Forbidden fruit is always the most desirable».
забрати свої слова назад to eat one’s words
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to eat one’s words: «Our critics said that we would never make a success of our magazine; now that we have proved them wrong, they will have to eat their words».
завершити цикл to come full circle
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to come full circle: «After making and losing a fortune in America, Tom returned to his old job at Barclays. He had come full circle».
завести волинку to harp on the same string
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to harp on the same string: «І wish you wouldn’t harp on the same string every time I drink coffee. I know already that it is bad for health, but I won’t give it up».
загнати в кут to drive someone into a corner: to deprive an opponent of any possibility to retreat. The phrase is often used in boxing
задирати ніс to put one’s nose in the air
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put one’s nose in the air: «You put your nose in the air every time your back is against the wall».
зайнятий по вуха to be up to the ears in work / to have one’s hands full
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be up to the ears in work / to have one’s hands full: «I cannot go to the theater tonight, I am up to the ears in work». / «Don’ t ask me to do anything else, I have my hands full with the children».
закидати вудки to fly a kite
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to fly a kite: «It would be wise to fly a kite to test public reaction».
закласти наріжний камінь to lay the corner — stone: the cornerstone is the most important part of the building
закон джунглів the law of the jungle
Приклад вживання фразеологізму the law of the jungle: «The law of the jungle governs all in Free Market economy».
закон не писаний (для кого, кому) to be a law unto oneself
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be a law unto oneself: «Executives of his eminence rarely bothered them — seh’es with the spadework but Cousins — as she’d begun to realize — was a law unto himself».
закривати очі (на що) to shut one’s eye to
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to shut one’s eye to: «She shut her eye to all his short — comings, although my brother was always pointing them out to her».
закрутити гайки to tighten the screw
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to tighten the screw: «Our boss is trying to tighten the screw in order to make us work long hours».
закрутити голову to turn someone’s head
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to turn someone’s head: «His new position has turned his head. He does not notice anybody».
зализувати рани to lick one’s wounds
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lick one’s wounds: «She wanted to be alone to lick a few wounds».
залишається бажати кращого to leave a lot to be desired
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to leave a lot to be desired: «Although the prices at the restaurant were very high, the cuisine left a lot to be desired».
залишитися з носом to be left holding the bag
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be left holding the bag: «Be careful, don’t let yourself be left holding the bag».
залишитися за бортом to go by the board
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go by the board: «Everything went by the board — holidays, new clothes, entertaining — in order to get Jennifer into college».
залізна завіса the iron curtain: the military and political barrier which separated the Western democracies from the Warsaw Pact countries
залізною рукою with an iron hand
Приклад вживання фразеологізму with an iron hand: «The leader crushed he rebellion with an iron hand».
Замісти сліди To cover up one’s traces. (букв. «Приховувати сліди»)
замітати сліди to cover one’s tracks
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cover one’s tracks: «The bank robbers have covered their tracks very thoroughly».
замовити слівце to put a word (for)
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put a word (for): «Could you put a word for me, Nancy, when you see Mr. Jacobs tomorrow»?
замовляти музику to call the tune
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to call the tune: «You must do what your uncle asks. He is paying for your training so he has a right to call the tune».
заморозити (проект, план) to put on ice
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put on ice: «We are sorry, Andrew, but we ’ve had to put your project on ice. We ’ll have another look at it in two months’ period».
замучитися до смерті to be sick to death
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be sick to death: «I am sick to death of his endless stories».
запеклий дурень a fool in grain
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a fool in grain: «There is no reason for taking him into account; he is a fool in grain».
Заради Бога! For God’s sake!
Приклад вживання фразеологізму For God’s sake!: «Don’ t you think you ought to quit working so hard? Give the baby a rest, for God’s sake».
заразливий сміх infectious laugh
Приклад вживання фразеологізму infectious laugh: «Her laugh was so infectious that when she laughed, all class joined in though they didn ’t understand the joke».
зарити голову в пісок to bury one’s head in the sand
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to bury one’s head in the sand: «He has buried his head in the sand and does not want to listen to everybody».
зарити талант в землю to bury one’s talent: to disregard one’s abilities and gifts
Зарубати на носі Put it into your pipe and smoke it. (букв. «Покладіть у свою трубку і викуріть»)
засоромити / вганяти в піт to make someone blush / sweat
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make someone blush: «His tactless remark made her blush».
застільна бесіда table talk: light conversation at the table
затишшя перед бурею the calm before the storm: a period of quiet before an upheaval or crisis
затівати безнадійну справу to make bricks without straw
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make bricks without straw: «We were unable to give you an opinion because you did not give the information we needed. We can’t make bricks without straw».
затягнути ремінь to tighten the belt / to pull in one’s belt
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to tighten the belt / to pull in one’s belt: «The President asked his people to tighten their belts and to wait for better times».
заходити у безвихідь to strike a snag
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to strike a snag: «The negotiations stroke a snag and had to be postponed for two weeks».
захопити кого-небудь зненацька to take someone by surprise
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to take someone by surprise: «The policeman look the criminal by surprice».
зачепити за живе to cut to the quick
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cut to the quick: «Robert was cut to the quick when his wife told him she would not go abroad with him».
зберігати цілковите самовладання to keep a stiff upper lip
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep a stiff upper lip: «Lewis suffered dreadfully but he kept a stiff upper lip throughout his ordeal».
збивати пиху to take down a peg
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to take down a peg: «The office boy has been taking too much on himself lately. He was beginning to forget his position. I had to take him down a peg this morning».
збитися з пантелику to get mixed up
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get mixed up: «We got mixed up and missed the station».
збути з рук to get something off one’s hands
зважувати свої слова to weigh one’s words
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to weigh one’s words: «When you are being interviewed for a job, you must weigh your words before answering the questions they ask you».
звеличувати до небес to praise to the skies / to crack one up to the nines
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to praise to the skies: «Don’ t crack Phil up to the nines, he does not deserve it».
звести рахунки to square accounts
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to square accounts: «Her mother hud promised to square things with David when Spencer had agreed to go to dance with Brad».
зводити з розуму to drive someone up the wall
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to drive someone up the wall: «When my mother hears this music, it drives her up the wall».
зворотна сторона медалі the other side of the coin: the opposite. standpoint, showing the disadvantages as against the advantage
згляньтеся, змилосердьтеся have a heart
Приклад вживання фразеологізму have a heart: «I have translated ten pages for you today, and now you want me to do another ten. Have a heart»!
згорати від ревнощів to be eaten up with jealousy
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be eaten up with jealousy: «White looking at his friend’s wife, Dick was eaten up with jealousy».
здіймати шум / фурор to set the world on fire
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to set the world on fire: «I should say you have set the world on fire with your last album, Simon».
зібрати багатий урожай to reap a rich harvest
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to reap a rich harvest: «The American team reaped a rich harvest last Olympic Games».
зіграти в ящик to drop off the hook
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to drop off the hook: «The story had been strong enough to get the Irish cabinet off the hook».
зійти нанівець to go awry; to go down the drain
зімкнути ряди to close ranks
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to close ranks: «He’ d supported her to the hilt, but he was appalled at the way the party had closed ranks against her».
зіпсувати усю музику to upset the apple cart
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to upset the apple cart: «That accident has upset the apple cart».
зірвати з язика to take the words out of someone’s mouth
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to take the words out of someone’s mouth: «I war just going to mention this. You’ve taken the words out of my mouth».
зірватися / зриватися з язика to escape one’s lips
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to escape one’s lips: «I didn’t mean to offend you, and I am very sorry for the cruel words that have escaped my lips».
Зірок з неба бракує He won’t set the Thames on fire. (букв. «Він не підпалить Темзу»)
злоба дня a nine — days wonder: something very sensational but quickly forgotten
злякати до смерті to frighten someone out of one’s wits / to scare to death
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to frighten someone out of one’s wits / to scare to death: «You scared me half to death. Why didn’t you just knock»? / «That dog frightens me out of my wits, they should keep it chained».
змерзнути до мозку кісток chilled to the marrow
Приклад вживання фразеологізму chilled to the marrow: «We had better turn up the heating. Jack was chilled to the marrow, watching this football match».
змокнути до нитки to be wet to the skin
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be wet to the skin: «We will be wet to the skin if we do not hurry».
змотати вудки to take to one’s heels (to run away)
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to take to one’s heels: «As soon as they noticed the owner of the boat they took to their heels».
знати своє місце to know one’s place
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to know one’s place: «Dan should know his place and avoid giving advice to the boss».
знати як свої п’ять пальців to have at one’s fingertips / to know a place like the back / palm of one’s hand
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have at one’s fingertips / to know a place like the back / palm of one’s hand: «He has parliamentary procedures and the rules and traditions of the House of Commons at his fingertips».
знати, куди вітер дме to know which way the wind is blowing / wait and see which way the wind is blowing
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to know which way the wind is blowing / wait and see which way the wind is blowing: «We should wait and see which way the wind is blowing».
знаходитися в слизькому становищі to be out on a limb
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be out on a limb: «As soon as the organizers saw they were out on a limb, they cancelled their campaign».
значитися в списках to be on the books
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be on the books: «This institution is not on the books. / don’t think we will deal with it».
знімати вершки to cream off / to skim the cream
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cream off / to skim the cream: «Oxford and Cambridge are still creaming off the most brilliant scholars, despite all the social changes that have taken place since the end of the war».
зовсім інша справа that’s another cup of tea (that’s another matter)
зовсім інший коленкор a horse of another colour
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a horse of another colour: «If you want money for your brother; that’s a horse of another colour».
зокрема in particular
Приклад вживання фразеологізму in particular: «Among all the participants of the conference I remember him in particular».
золота середина a happy medium
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a happy medium: «You should choose a happy medium and think about your health».
золоте дно a gold — mine
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a gold — mine: «This business could be a gold — mine if it were properly developed».’
золоте правило the golden rule
Приклад вживання фразеологізму the golden rule: «Never to be late is the golden rule».
золоте серце a heart of gold
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a heart of gold: «Your mother has a heart of gold; she is so kind, generous and forgiving».
золоте століття The Golden Age
Приклад вживання фразеологізму The Golden Age: «The seventeenth century was the Golden Age for France».
золотий ювілей a Golden Jubilee
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a Golden Jubilee: «Celebration of the fifties anniversary of an important event is a Golden Jubilee».
золоті дні a hey — day / halcyon day: the best days
з-під носа under one’s nose
Приклад вживання фразеологізму under one’s nose: «He stole my watch from right under my nose».
з-під прилавка under the counter
Приклад вживання фразеологізму under the counter: «He was dismissed for having sold goods under the counter».
зривати свої почуття to vent one’s feelings on
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to vent one’s feelings on: «Just because you lost the game, you needn’t vent your feelings on me».
зробити внесок to do one’s bit
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to do one’s bit: «Each family member did his bit for her to feel herself at home».
зробити ляпсус to drop a brick
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to drop a brick: «I have dropped a brick by telling him that / did not remember what was his story about».
зробити собі ім’я to make a name for oneself
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make a name for oneself: «As I recall, you made a name for youself by shooting Mexican bandits. I think you’d welcome the chance to polish your reputation a little».
зуби з’їсти to cut one’s teeth
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cut one’s teeth: «Forty — four years ago he cut his teeth on Richmond Council».
і вашим і нашим to face both ways: to support both contestants at the same time
і оком не моргнувши without batting an eye / without blinking an eye
Приклад вживання фразеологізму without batting an eye / without blinking an eye: «I won t bat an eye, if / have to shoot you». / «Yet everyone knew that if something needed to be taken of, Ricky could take care of it himself without blinking an eye».
із щитом або на щиті with the shield or on it
іншими словами in other words
Приклад вживання фразеологізму in other words: «We may kill if necessary, but we must not hate and enjoy hating. In other words, the feeling of resentment must be killed inside us».
їхати в Тулу зі своїм самоваром to carry coals to Newcastle
Йому як риба Dumb as an oyster. (букв. «Йому як устриця»)
йти в ногу з часом to march / move / keep up with the times
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to march / move / keep up with the times: «We have to march with the times, otherwise our clients will go elsewhere».
йти на поводі to be led by the nose
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be led by the nose: «The boss was led by the nose by his secretary till she had spent all his money».
йти назустріч to meet half — way
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to meet half — way: «You might meet us halfway. We agreed to support you and you will change your attitude to your work».
йти по лінії (шляху) найменшого опору to take the line of least resistance
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to take the line of least resistance: «Max always takes the line of least resistance with his studies, and the results are vivid».
йти світ за очі to follow one’s nose
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to follow one’s nose: «She told me just to follow my nose».
йти своєю дорогою to go one’s own way
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go one’s own way: «All right, Tom, go your own way, if that’s how you feel about it, but / wish you would listen to us just once».
йти як по маслу to go with a run / to go with a swing
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go with a run / to go with a swing: «We were happy that alt went with a swing».
каліф на годину a Caliph for a day: a person who comes into power for a short time only
кам’яне серце a heart of stone
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a heart of stone: «He must have a heart of stone to turn away his own son like he did».
Камінь на серці A heavy heart. (букв. «Важке серце»)
камінь спотикання a stumbling block
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a stumbling block: «The issue of ethic was a stumbling block at their discussion».
карта бита the game is up
Приклад вживання фразеологізму the game is up: «The game is up; would you like to make a statement now»?
картковий будиночок a house of cards
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a house of cards: «Denis’ ideas about his future work are nothing but a house of cards that may topple over any moment».
Кататися як сир в олії To live in clover. (букв. «Жити в конюшині»)
кашу маслом не зіпсуєш plenty is no plague
кидати в обличчя to throw in someone’s face
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to throw in someone’s face: «John threw his father’s disgrace in his face».
кидати тінь to cast a cloud over
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cast a cloud over: «The news of her father’s illness cast a cloud over their honeymoon».
кинути оком a trained eye
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a trained eye: «Dave has a trained eye for such kind of stuff».
кишіти як сарана to swarm like locusts
кінець — справі вінець the end crowns the work
Клин клином вибивати Nail drives out nail. (букв. «Цвях виганяє цвях»)
клин клином вибивають habit cures habit
ключ до проблеми the key to the problem
Приклад вживання фразеологізму the key to the problem: «This is very essential. I think that this is the key to the problem».
ключове слово the key word: the word that is necessary for breaking a code
кожен кулик своє болото хвалить all your geese are swans: you overestimate the value of your possessions or ideas, just because they are yours
кожній бочці — затичка to have a finger in every pie
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a finger in every pie: «When Phil heard there was to be a jumble sale, he was soon busy organizing the stalls. He has a finger in every pie».
колесо фортуни the wheel of Fortune: symbolizes the vicissitudes of life
коли ліва рука не знає, що робить права when the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing
Коли рак на горі свисне (чи) Після дощика в четвер — When hell freezes (букв. «Коли пекло замерзне»)
коли рак на горі свисне when pigs fly
коли щастя мені посміхнеться when my ship comes home
Приклад вживання фразеологізму when my ship comes home: «When my ship comes home, I will buy this fur coat».
кольоровий бар’єр colour bar: discrimination against coloured and black people in favour of the whites
командна позиція the key position: a position of vital strategic importance
комок нервів a bag of nerves
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a bag of nerves: «Since her divorce, Pamela has been a bag of nerves».
коней на переправі не міняють don’t change horses in midstream / halfway across the stream
Приклад вживання фразеологізму don’t change horses in midstream / halfway across the stream: «It is always a mistake to change horses in midstream».
корабель пустелі (верблюд) the ship of the desert: the camel
коридори влади the corridors of power
королівський прийом a royal welcome
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a royal welcome: «When we arrived at a small village in Lapland, we were surprised at the royal welcome the villagers gave to us».
коротше кажучи in short
Приклад вживання фразеологізму in short: «In short, you have to admit that you have lost this game».
краєм ока out of the corner of one’s eye
Приклад вживання фразеологізму out of the corner of one’s eye: «And then J saw her out of the corner of my eye; she was so shy. »
крайнощі притягуються extremes meet
крапля в морі a drop in the ocean
Приклад вживання фразеологізму a drop in the ocean: «Their help is only a drop in the ocean of what we realty need, but it doesn’t mean that we are not thankful to them».
Красивий жест A fine gesture
краще синиця в руках, ніж журавель у небі a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
кричати благим матом to yell one’s head off
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to yell one’s head off: «He started yelling his head off as soon as he saw his neighbour».
крізь землю провалитися to sink through the floor
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to sink through the floor: «When she asked me in front of all the guests why I had been expelled from school, I was so embarrassed I could have sunk through the floor».
кров говорить / кров заговорила blood will tell
Приклад вживання фразеологізму blood will tell: «My adopted son was given the same opportunities as the other children, but he turned out completely different from them».
кров з молоком the picture of health
Приклад вживання фразеологізму the picture of health: «A young girl was the picture of health: rosy cheeks, bright eyes, shining teeth».
кров не вода / водиця blood is thicker than water: the ties between relations are closer than those between friends
кров стигне в жилах to make the blood run cold/to chill the blood
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make the blood run cold/to chill the blood: «The sight of the man lying on the road wo$ enough to make Nancy’s blood run cold».
крокодилові сльози crocodile tears
Приклад вживання фразеологізму crocodile tears: «Take no notice of her crocodile tears. She’s not in the least concerned about your injury».
крутитися під ногами to be under someone’s feet
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to be under someone’s feet: «I can’t cook the lunch with you under my feet all the time».
Кулею like a shot
Приклад вживання фразеологізму like a shot: «I would run tike a shot if I heard that he wants to see me».
купити кота в мішку to buy a pig in a poke
Приклад вживання фразеологізму to buy a pig in a poke: «What a pity you didn ’t speak with me before buying this equipment. J am afraid you have bought a pig in a poke».
Купити кота в мішку To buy a pig in a poke. (букв. «Купити свиню в мішку»)
курчат по осені рахують don’t count your chickens
Приклад вживання фразеологізму don’t count your chickens: «Don’ t count your chickens. Your aunt may not leave you any money at all».
курячі мізки the brain of a pigeon: to be quite brainless