Фразеологизмы русского языка и их перевод на английский язык. Н— П
на бегу on the run
Пример употребления фразеологизма on the run: «She took a sandwich and ate it on the run».
на безрыбье и рак рыба better one small fish than an empty dish
на вершине блаженства on the top of the world
Пример употребления фразеологизма on the top of the world: «Nobody expected Sarah would win this competition; she is on the top of the world».
на вес золота worth one’s weight in gold
Пример употребления фразеологизма worth one’s weight in gold: «You are worth your weight in gold. I wish you’d let me pay you».
на всякий случай just in case
Пример употребления фразеологизма just in case: «She dialed her own number, just in case».
на голодный желудок on an empty stomach
Пример употребления фразеологизма on an empty stomach: «You must take these pills on an empty stomach».
на грани порядочности to sail close to the wind
Пример употребления фразеологизма to sail close to the wind: «The couple sailed close to the wind. Guests felt uneasy looking at them».
на кончике языка on the tip of one’s tongue
Пример употребления фразеологизма on the tip of one’s tongue: «The name of the city was on the tip of my tongue just now; it will come back to me».
на пальцах можно сосчитать to be able to count on the fingers / on the fingers of one hand
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be able to count on the fingers / on the fingers of one hand: «You can count on the fingers of your hand the number of times I approached him with any request».
на пару слов to have a word with someone
Пример употребления фразеологизма to have a word with someone: «Would you come up to my room, Alice? I’d tike to have a word with you».
На полусогнутых (льстиво) On bended knee. (букв. «на согнутых коленях»)
на почтительном расстоянии at arm’s length
Пример употребления фразеологизма at arm’s length: «Paul wanted to get to know Jenny better, but she kept him at arm’s length».
на грани on the edge
Пример употребления фразеологизма on the edge: «The weekends went a little better, but his nerves were definitely on the edge by the time Friday arrived».
на перепутье дорог at the parting of the ways
Пример употребления фразеологизма at the parting of the ways: «It’ s time for us to stop and think. We are at the parting of the ways».
на свой страх и риск off one’s hat
Пример употребления фразеологизма off one’s hat: «Mr. Lewis took this decision off his hat».
на сносях near her time: approaching the moment when her baby will be born
на том свете the world to come: the life after death
на ухо (по секрету) a word in the ear
Пример употребления фразеологизма a word in the ear: «I was told about this like by a word in the ear».
на четвереньках on one’s hands and knees
Пример употребления фразеологизма on one’s hands and knees: «Since we do not want anybody see us we might be better if we crawl on our hands and knees».
на широкую ногу in a big way
Пример употребления фразеологизма in a big way: «His house is always full, he is so generous and does everything in a big way».
набить руку to gain one’s hand in
Пример употребления фразеологизма to gain one’s hand in: «After a couple of games, you’ll soon get your hand in this game. It is not difficult».
набить цену to jack up the price
Пример употребления фразеологизма to jack up the price: «The man tried his best to jack up the price, but all in vain».
наболевший вопрос sore subject / sore point
Пример употребления фразеологизма sore subject / sore point: «It is better not to speak about his failure, his sore subject».
набор слов gibberish
Пример употребления фразеологизма gibberish : «Now, the phrases would be meaningless, more fragments in the gibberish that passed for conversations, but once they would have meant everything».
набраться храбрости in screw up one’s courage
Пример употребления фразеологизма in screw up one’s courage: «Mark screwed up his courage and asked his boss for the rise in his wage».
Наверстать упущенное to make up for lost time
Пример употребления фразеологизма to make up for lost time: «Maybe Sam was making up for lost time or may be something else, I don’t know».
наводнить рынок to flood the market
Пример употребления фразеологизма to flood the market: «Chinese goods flooded the market».
наострить уши to prick up one’s ears
Пример употребления фразеологизма to prick up one’s ears: «He pricked up his ears when they mentioned his name».
нагреть руки to feather one’s nest
Пример употребления фразеологизма to feather one’s nest: «He is not going to feather his nest at our expense».
надеть маску to sail under false colours: to assume a false identity and to conceal one’s true purposes
надеяться на чудо to hope against hope
Пример употребления фразеологизма to hope against hope: «We all hoped against hope that he would become better».
Нажимать на все кнопки To pull strings. (букв. «Натянуть веревки»)
нажимать на тайные пружины to put strings
Пример употребления фразеологизма to put strings: «I wanted her to be happy in what she was doing, and I was prepared to put strings to help her on her way».
называть вещи своими именами to call a spade a spade
Пример употребления фразеологизма to call a spade a spade: «In our family we don t use a flowery language we call a spade a spade».
Называть вещи своими именами To call a spade a spade. (букв. «Называть лопату лопатой»)
накладывать на себя руки to kill oneself, to commit suicide
налиться / наливаться кровью to become bloodshot
Пример употребления фразеологизма to become bloodshot: «His eyes became bloodshot, it was clear that he was angry indeed».
намотать себе на ус to make a mental note of
Пример употребления фразеологизма to make a mental note of: «Alex made a mental note of everything he had heard in that room».
намылить голову to chew someone out
Пример употребления фразеологизма to chew someone out: «He was ready to chew her out over a boy she might have teased in the hallway».
наотрез отказаться to refuse pointblank
Пример употребления фразеологизма to refuse pointblank: «She loathed coziness and she’d always refuse pointblank to discuss anything to do with their respective jobs».
напрашиваться на комплимент to fish for compliments
Пример употребления фразеологизма to fish for compliments: «You are so pretty, do not try to fish for compliments».
напрягать все силы to strain every nerve
Пример употребления фразеологизма to strain every nerve: «Living with two other men in one cell was a great strain on all our nen’es».
напугать до смерти to frighten someone out of one’s wits / to scare to death
Пример употребления фразеологизма to frighten someone out of one’s wits / to scare to death: «You scared me half to death. Why didn’t you just knock»? / «That dog frightens me out of my wits, they should keep it chained».
напускать туман to confuse the issue
Пример употребления фразеологизма to confuse the issue: «Don’ t even try to confuse the issue, nothing will come out of it».
наступать на (любимую) мозоль to tread on someone’s corns / to step on somebody’s toes
Пример употребления фразеологизма to tread on someone’s corns / to step on somebody’s toes: «You trod on his corns last night when you asked him about his son. Don t you know, that he is in prison»? / «He stepped on her toes by his tactless remark».
натянутые отношения relations are rather strained
Пример употребления фразеологизма are rather strained: «Since this terrible accident, the relations between these two countries have been rather strained».
находиться в скользком положении to be out on a limb
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be out on a limb: «As soon as the organizers saw they were out on a limb, they cancelled their campaign».
начать с азов to start from scratch
Пример употребления фразеологизма to start from scratch: «Let’ s start learning German from scratch».
нащупывать почву to get the lay of the land / sound out the possibilities
Пример употребления фразеологизма to get the lay of the land / sound out the possibilities: «It was obvious that they were trying to get the lay of the land by asking different questions».
не в ладах at odds (with)
Пример употребления фразеологизма at odds (with) : «The neighbours were at odds with each other».
Не ваше дело! Mind your own business!
не верить своим глазам / ушам not to believe one’s eyes / not to be — lieve one’s ears
Пример употребления фразеологизма not to believe one’s eyes / not to be — lieve one’s ears: «When my sister relumed from the beauty parlour, she so changed so much that I could not believe my eyes».
не видеть дальше своего носа not to see beyond the end of one’s nose
Пример употребления фразеологизма not to see beyond the end of one’s nose: «He has no imagination. He can’t see beyond the end of his nose».
не видеть деревьев из-за леса not to see the wood for the trees: not to see essential because of all the details
не вчера родился not born yesterday
Пример употребления фразеологизма not born yesterday: «You won’t fool me with this trick. I wasn t born yesterday».
не выдавить слезу you can’t get blood out of a stone
Пример употребления фразеологизма you can’t get blood out of a stone: «It’ s no use appealing to Uncle Paul. You can’t get blood out of a stone».
Не дай Бог! God forbid! Heaven forbid!
не иметь ни малейшего представления to have not the foggiest idea
Пример употребления фразеологизма to have not the foggiest idea: «I have not the foggiest idea what you are talking about».
не иметь ничего общего to be as different as cheese and chalk
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be as different as cheese and chalk: «My husband and Max were like cheese and chalk».
не иметь под собой почвы not a leg to stand on
Пример употребления фразеологизма not a leg to stand on: «Mark accused the doctor of negligence, but when he admitted he hadn’t taken the medicine prescribed, he hadn’t a leg to stand on».
не иметь понятия not to have a clue
Пример употребления фразеологизма not to have a clue: «Robert hadn’t a clue where the cans had come from and didn’t care».
не к месту out of place
Пример употребления фразеологизма out of place: «The elegantly dressed woman felt out of place at the party where all the other women were wearing jeans».
не мудрствуя лукаво without beating about the bush
Пример употребления фразеологизма without beating about the bush: «Let’ s start the discussion without beating about the bush».
не от мира сего from (or living in) a different world / in a world of one’s own
Пример употребления фразеологизма(or living in) a different world / in a world of one’s own: «I don’t think she is able to understand our problems, she is from a different world».
не откладывая дела в длинный ящик not to let the grass grow under one’s feet: to waste no time in getting a task done
не первой молодости getting on in years / no spring chicken
Пример употребления фразеологизма getting on in years / no spring chicken: «She is no spring chicken to be dressed like that».
не попробуешь — не узнаешь the proof of the pudding is in the eating
Пример употребления фразеологизма the proof of the pudding is in the eating: «The yacht has elegant lines all right, but how will she sail? The proof of the pudding is in the eating».
не трогай лихо, пока сидит тихо to let sleeping dogs lie
Пример употребления фразеологизма to let sleeping dogs lie: «You must have known that mentioning his ex — wife would upset him. You should let sleeping dogs lie».
не уступить ни на йоту not to budge an inch
Примером употребления фразеологизма not to budge an inch: «Emilia was not going to budge an inch in this mailer».
нем как рыба Dumb as an oyster. (букв. «нем как устрица»)
неписаный закон the unwritten law: a law which is generally recognized, although it has not been committed to writing
Непосредственно fair and square
Пример употребления фразеологизма fair and square: «I told Margaret fair and square what I thought of her friend».
нести бессмыслицу to talk rot
Пример употребления фразеологизма to talk rot: «Tom says that the company is almost bankrupt. It seems to me that he is talking rot».
нести крест to bear one’s cross
Пример употребления фразеологизма to bear one’s cross: «To be under — estimated by men is the biggest cross I have had to bear». (Barbara Tailor Bradford, Woman of Substance).
нести бессмыслицу to talk through one’s hat: to talk nonsense
нет худа без добра Every cloud has a silver lining
Пример употребления фразеологизма Every cloud has a silver lining: «Robert has tost his wife, which is a blow to him, but he met Jane who became his real helper. Every cloud has a silver lining».
нечестная игра foul play
Пример употребления фразеологизма foul play: «It was foul play on his side».
ни в грош не ставить not to give two cents for
Пример употребления фразеологизма not to give two cents for: «I don’t care two cents what he thinks about me».
ни в жизнь not on your life
Пример употребления фразеологизма not on your life: «They think you need to go to the hospital». — «Not on your life».
ни гроша в кармане no more shots in the locker
Пример употребления фразеологизма no more shots in the locker: «It was hard to believe that there were no more shots in the locker. Something has to be done».
ни живой ни мертвый more dead than alive
Пример употребления фразеологизма more dead than alive: «Look at him. He seems to be more dead than alive».
ни за какие деньги (пряники) not for love or money
Пример употребления фразеологизма not for love or money: «The hotels at the coast are booked out at this time of the year; you can’t get a mom for love or money».
ни за что not for nuts
ни за что на свете not for all the world
Пример употребления фразеологизма not for all the world: «My mother wouldn’t leave Paris for all the world».
Ни к селу ни к городу Neither here nor there. (букв. «Ни там ни здесь»)
ни рыба ни мясо neither fish, flesh, fowl nor good red herring
Пример употребления фразеологизма neither fish, flesh, fowl nor good red herring: «This is neither a game of chance nor skill. It is niether fish, fowl nor good red herring».
ни с того ни с сего without rhyme or reason
Пример употребления фразеологизма without rhyme or reason: «It seemed strange to me that she could start crying without rhyme or reason but later I understood why».
ничего особенного nothing to write home about
Пример употребления фразеологизма nothing to write home about: «Alice plays the piano quite well but she’s nothing to write home about».
новая метла чисто метет new brooms sweep cleaner
Пример употребления фразеологизма new brooms sweep cleaner: «She lavished special favours on the rising stars; as a direct consequence she’d survived being swept away by countless administrative new brooms».
ног под собой не слышно to walk / dance on air
Пример употребления фразеологизма to walk / dance on air: «Since Tom and Mary were engaged they have been walking on air».
Ноев ковчег Noah’s ark : place of safety, a means of rescue
обагривать (обагрить) руки в крови to have blood on one’s hands:
Пример употребления фразеологизма to have blood on one’s hands: «I don’t think we should stop the surgeon operating; we don t want the patient’s blood on our hands».
обвести вокруг пальца to twist someone round one’s little finger
Пример употребления фразеологизма to twist someone round one’s little finger: «I do not trust her for she is able to twist anybody round her little finger».
Обещать золотые горы To promise the moon. (букв. «Обещать месяц»)
обойтись в копеечку to cost a pretty penny
Пример употребления фразеологизма to cost a pretty penny: «Your divorce will cost you a pretty penny».
обратная сторона медали the other side of the coin: the opposite. standpoint, showing the disadvantages as against the advantage
образ жизни a way of life
Пример употребления фразеологизма a way of life: «The western way of life is very different from ours. It is difficult for him to get accustomed to it.
одеть кого-нибудь в (надеть) смирительную рубашку to put someone in a strait — jacket
Пример употребления фразеологизма to put someone in a strait — jacket: «I feet as though I were in a strait — jacket. I cannot do anything without asking a permission».
один из тысячи one in a thousand
Пример употребления фразеологизма one in a thousand: «She is one in a thousand, she has a splendid character.
один шанс из тысячи one chance in a thousand
Пример употребления фразеологизма one chance in a thousand: «By one chance in a thousand something hit our sun and made it to produce the planets».
одним миром (по) мазаны to be tarred with the same brush
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be tarred with the same brush: «It is better not to have anything to do with this family; they have all been tarred with the same brush».
одним словом in a word
Пример употребления фразеологизма in a word: «Susan is bored with the school, she dislikes her classmates and she quarrels with the teachers. In a word, she hates the school».
одного поля ягода bird, of a feather
Пример употребления фразеологизма bird, of a feather: «Oliver and Alain were birds of a feather».
одной ногой в могиле with one foot in the grave
Пример употребления фразеологизма with one foot in the grave: «With one foot in the grave, I am afraid he is in no position to help you
Оказать холодный прием to give someone the cold shoulder
Пример употребления фразеологизма to give someone the cold shoulder: «When I greeted Mary this morning, she pretended not to see me. I wonder why she is giving me the cold shoulder».
оказаться в дураках to get stuck
Пример употребления фразеологизма to get stuck: «The man got stuck when he paid six hundred dollars for that old car».
оказаться без работы to be at loose ends
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be at loose ends: «He has been at loose ends ever since he quitted his job».
глаз за глаз, зуб за зуб an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
округленные числа round numbers: an approximate number which is measured in tens, hundreds, thousands
Орел или решка? Heads or tails?
осиная талия a wasp waist: an extremely small waist
оставлять желать лучшего to leave a lot to be desired
Пример употребления фразеологизма to leave a lot to be desired: «Although the prices at the restaurant were very high, the cuisine left a lot to be desired».
остаться за бортом to go by the board
Пример употребления фразеологизма to go by the board: «Everything went by the board — holidays, new clothes, entertaining — in order to get Jennifer into college».
остаться с носом to be left holding the bag
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be left holding the bag: «Be careful, don’t let yourself be left holding the bag».
от одной трудности к другой from pillar to post: to be driven all over the place; to find it impossible to settle down
от чистого сердца from the bottom of one’s heart
Пример употребления фразеологизма from the bottom of one’s heart: «We wished them every success in their work from the bottom of our hearts».
Отбиться от рук to be out of hand
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be out of hand: «When his son was in high school, the boy got out of hand».
отдать должное to do someone / something justice
Пример употребления фразеологизма to do someone / something justice: «Your portrait of Sue is a reasonable likeness but, in my opinion, doesn’t do justice to her charm and vivacity».
открыть зеленую улицу to give the green light to
Пример употребления фразеологизма to give the green light to: «Our director has given the green light to our proposal. We can start on the project straight away».
открыть свое сердце to pour out one’s heart
Пример употребления фразеологизма to pour out one’s heart: «When her mother came to see her, Michelle poured out her heart about her unhappy marriage».
отправиться к прародителям to be gathered to one’s fathers: to die
отставать от времени to be behind the times
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be behind the times: «You are behind the times with your old washing machine».
пo молодости лет through inexperience
Пример употребления фразеологизма through inexperience: «Everybody agreed that they could forgive her; she had made this mistake through inexperience».
падать духом to lose heart
Пример употребления фразеологизма to lose heart: «When the gymnast fell down from the bars he lost heart and did not complete his programme».
палец о палец не ударить not to lift a finger
Пример употребления фразеологизма not to lift a finger: «All the time we were staying there, the girl did not lift a finger to help her mother».
пальцем тронуть to lay a finger on
Приложу употребление фразеологизма to lay a finger on: «If you lay a finger on this child, you will regret it».
паршивая овца the rotten apple
Пример употребления фразеологизма the rotten apple: «His elder son was the rotten apple».
первые плоды first fruit
Пример употребления фразеологизма first fruit: «I am going to show you the first fruit from my work».
перебиваться с хлеба на квас / воду live from hand to mouth
Пример употребления фразеологизма live from hand to mouth: «They lived from hand to mouth after their father’s death».
передать пальму первенства to give the palm to
Пример употребления фразеологизма to give the palm to: «He had to give the palm to his competitor».
перейти Рубикон to cross the Rubicon : to take a final irrevocable step which may have dangerous consequences
перековать мечи на орала to beat one’s sword into a plough — share
Пример употребления фразеологизма to beat one’s sword into a plough — share: «They shall beat their swords into ploughshares: nation shall not lift up sword against nation». (Isaiah 11,4)
Переливать из пустого в порожнее To beat the air. (букв. «Бить воздух»)
переходить из рук в руки change hands
Пример употребления фразеологизма change hands: «The picture changed several hands tilt at last it appeared in my house».
печатать деньги to coin money: to make so much money from one’s business that it is almost the same as minting it oneself
пить как бочка to drink like a fish: to be a hard drinker
Плавать как топор To swim like a stone (букв. «Плавать как камень»)
платить втридорога to pay through the nose
Пример употребления фразеологизма to pay through the nose: «I did not have time to shop so I think I paid through the nose for this bag».
платить той же монетой to pay back in the same coin
Пример употребления фразеологизма to pay back in the same coin: «Roger has attacked us in the advertising overseas; we will pay him back in the same coin».
платоническая любовь platonic love (love with no mixture of sexual passion)
Пример употребления фразеологизма platonic love: «I really love her. In all the right ways. Platonic ways».
Плевать в потолок To sit twiddling one’s thumbs (букв. «Сидеть и вертеть большим пальцем»)
плоть и кровь flesh and blood: human with all the weaknesses of human nature
плохо дело a bad business
Пример употребления фразеологизма a bad business: «In the train he was robbed all his money; a bad business»!
плыть против течения to sail against the wind
Пример употребления фразеологизма to sail against the wind: «Denis never minded how much opposition he provoked; he liked sailing against the wind».
по натуре (по характеру) in grain
Пример употребления фразеологизма in grain: «He was a cowboy in grain».
по одежке протягивать ножки to cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth
Пример употребления фразеологизма to cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth: «Now her husband has lost his job, she will be obliged to cut her coat according to her cloth».
по пятам hard on someone’s heels / on the heels of / on the neck of
Пример употребления фразеологизма on someone’s heels / on the heels of / on the neck of: «The recession trod on the heels of the oil crisis».
по совести говоря in all conscience
Пример употребления фразеологизма in all conscience: «I should have thought that his charges were high enough in all conscience without his asking for any extra money».
по уши up to the ears
Пример употребления фразеологизма up to the ears: «Mary was up to the ears in work».
по уши влюбиться to be head over heels in love with / to fall head over heels in love
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be head over heels in love with: «They are head over heels in love».
повести разговор в нужном ключе to strike the right note
Пример употребления фразеологизма to strike the right note: «The teacher struck just the right note addressing to students; he was serious but friendly».
попугайничать parrot-fashion / parrot like / parrot-wise
под каблуком under one’s thumb
Пример употребления фразеологизма under one’s thumb: «He has his daughter completely under his thumb. She would never disobey him».
под маркой under colour of / under the guise of
Пример употребления фразеологизма under colour of / under the guise of: «Under colour of consulting the lung specialist, the journalist received a lot of information for his article».
под открытым небом in the open air
Пример употребления фразеологизма in the open air: «The family enjoyed spending their week — ends in the open air».
под рукой close at hand
Пример употребления фразеологизма close at hand: «If you need help we are always close at hand».
под эгидой under the aegis
поддерживать существование to keep body and soul together
Пример употребления фразеологизма to keep body and soul together: «When I lost my job, I could hardly enough keep body and soul together».
Поджать хвост To put one’s tail between one’s legs. (букв. «Поместить хвост между ног»)
подливать масла в огонь to add fuel to the fire
Пример употребления фразеологизма to add fuel to the fire: «He added fuel to the fire by telling her that it was a lie».
подложить свинью to play somebody a dirty trick
Пример употребления фразеологизма to play somebody a dirty trick: «It was he who played this dirty trick on us».
Подмазать to grease someone’s palm: to bribe
поднять руку на кого-нибудь / что-либо to raise / lift one’s hand to
Пример употребления фразеологизма to raise / lift one’s hand to: «I’ ve never raised my hand to him, but one day I shall if he goes on like this».
подписать самому себе смертный приговор to sign one’s own death — warrant
Пример употребления фразеологизма to sign one’s own death — warrant: «You have depended on your brother for your livelihood for the last twenty years. By quarrelling with him, you have signed your own death — warrant».
подрезать крылья to clip someone’s wings
Пример употребления фразеологизма to clip someone’s wings: «Every time I ring my doctor for an appointment, I am crossed by his receptionist. It’s time her wings were clipped».
подслащивать пилюлю to sugar the pill
Пример употребления фразеологизма to sugar the pill: «You should better sugar the pill by writing Tom a letter of gratitude before making him dismissed».
поезд ушел to miss the bus
Пример употребления фразеологизма to miss the bus: «I am fifty years old but I still haven’t been promoted. Now it is too late; I’ve missed the bus».
позолотить ручку to cross one’s palm with silver: to bribe
поймать на месте преступления to catch someone red — handed
Пример употребления фразеологизма to catch someone red — handed: «You were caught red — handed! We saw you take money out of the box».
поймать на слове to take someone at his word
Пример употребления фразеологизма to take someone at his word: «I told Stephen to be sure to visit us if ever he came to Spain. Two weeks later, he arrived at our villa with six suitcases. He had taken me at my word».
пойти на нет to go awry; to go down the drain
пойти прахом to go to the dogs
Пример употребления фразеологизма to go to the dogs: «Dan ruined himself, all his life went to the dogs».
показать свое настоящее лицо to show oneself in one’s true colours
Пример употребления фразеологизма to show oneself in one’s true colours: «When she lost her temper, she showed herself in her true colours»
показывать зубы / когти to show one’s teeth
Пример употребления фразеологизма to show one’s teeth: «Our landlord has always been such a kind, easygoing man, but when I accidentally smashed his window he really showed his teeth».
поклоняться золотому тельцу to worship the golden calf: to worship money, to subordinate everything else to mercenary considerations.
полет фантазии a flight of fancy
Пример употребления фразеологизма a flight of fancy: «Her plan is a flight of fancy. Nothing else».
полная чаша full cup
Пример употребления фразеологизма full cup: «My cup was full. I was happy».
половина успеха half the battle
Пример употребления фразеологизма half the battle: «We have got the best equipment for the job; that is half the battle».
положить конец (предел) to draw the line
Пример употребления фразеологизма to draw the line: «I don’t mind Carol bringing her friends home but I draw the line at strangers she’s picked up in the bus».
получить пальму первенства to bear/carry the palm: to signal one’s triumph
получить по шеи to get it in the neck
Пример употребления фразеологизма to get it in the neck: «He got it in the neck for being rude to his little sister».
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be stabbed in the back: «He has been my best friend for the last twenty years. I would never have dreamed he would stab me in the back like that».
поменяться ролями turn the tables
Пример употребления фразеологизма turn the tables: «The team beat us last year, but we hope that this year we will turn the tables on them».
По слухам to know by name: to know a person’s name, but not to know him to speak to
попасть в переплет to get the works
Пример употребления фразеологизма to get the works: «You will get the works if you are not careful enough».
попасть в точку to hit the nail on the head
Пример употребления фразеологизма to hit the nail on the head: «His answer hit the nail on the hedd and soon everything was settled».
попасть в неприятность to put one’s foot in it
Пример употребления фразеологизма to put one’s foot in it: «You put your foot in it when you told him how much you admired his wife. Don’t you know they were divorced last year»?
попасть не в бровь, а в глаз strike home
Пример употребления фразеологизма strike home: «When you mentioned her daughter you struck home».
попасть пальцем в небо to be wide of the mark: inaccurate, wrong
попасться на крючок to be hooked on
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be hooked on: «He was hooked on, and soon got married».
попутный ветер a fair wind
Пример употребления фразеологизма a fair wind: «The President wished a fair wind to the athletes».
пробовать счастье try one’s hand at
Пример употребления фразеологизма try one’s hand at: «She had tried her hand at different areas until she understood what her real calling was».
порочный круг a vicious circle
Пример употребления фразеологизма a vicious circle: «The more cruel you are, the more you will hate, and the more you will hate, the more cruel you will become — an so on in a vicious circle for ever».
посеешь ветер — пожнешь бурю to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind
после дождика в четверг till the cows come home
последнее слово (достижение) the last word in
Пример употребления фразеологизма the last word in: «The hotel is the last word in luxury and elegance».
последняя капля, которая переполнила чашу the last straw
Пример употребления фразеологизма the last straw: «It’ s the last straw that breaks the camel’s back».
посмотрим, чья возьмет two can play at that game / that’s a game that two can play at
Пример употребления фразеологизма two can play at that game: «If you complain to the landlord about the noise, I will complain about the people you bring in at all hours; that is a game that two can play».
поставить кого-нибудь на место to put someone in one’s place
Пример употребления фразеологизма to put someone in one’s place: «When the young guy took the lady by the hand, she promptly took her hand away from his, intending to put him in his place».
Поставить на счетчик To turn on the meter / The meter is running.
поставить точки над и to dot the i’s and cross the t’s
Пример употребления фразеологизма to dot the i’s and cross the t’s: «To dot the i’s and cross the t’s we should discuss all the details and make ourselves absolutely clear».
посчитать по пальцам to count on the fingers / on the fin — gers of one hand
Пример употребления фразеологизма to count on the fingers: «You could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times old Westwoad arrived late at the office during the thirty years he worked for the firm».
потерпеть неудачу to come to grief
Пример употребления фразеологизма to come to grief: «He made it plain that he harbored a grudge against them and would not be sorry to see them come to grief».
потерять голову to lose one’s head
Пример употребления фразеологизма to lose one’s head: «When the boat sprang a leak, Susan completely lost her head and began to scream hysterically».
потерять мужество to lose one’s nerve
Пример употребления фразеологизма to lose one’s nerve: «It is better not to lose your nerve in such a situation».
потерять счет времени to lose count of time
Пример употребления фразеологизма to lose count of time: «Have you lost count of time, brother? I have put two and twenty summers behind me».
Потом суп с котом Later — alligator. (букв. «Позже — аллигатор»)
похожие как две капли воды like two peas in a pot
Пример употребления фразеологизма like two peas in a pot: «The two sisters were like two peas in a pod».
Похожие как две капли воды As like as two peas in a pot. (букв. «Похожие как две горошины в стручке»)
почивать на лаврах to rest on one’s laurels
Пример употребления фразеологизма to rest on one’s laurels: «He realized that he had fallen into habits of thinking that he could rest on laurels».
пошевелить рукой to stir a hand
Пример употребления фразеологизма to stir a hand: «He didn’t even try to stir a hand».
правая рука a right arm
Пример употребления фразеологизма a right arm: «Since mother’s death, Ann has been father’s right arm».
правдами и неправдами by hook or by crook
Пример употребления фразеологизма by hook or by crook: «Roger will get a degree by hook or by crook; he won’t let anyone stop him».
подняться до небес to praise to the skies / to crack one up to the nines
Пример употребления фразеологизма to praise to the skies: «Don’ t crack Phil up to the nines, he does not deserve it».
превратить в лепешку to come down on someone like a ton of bricks
Пример употребления фразеологизма to come down on someone like a ton of bricks: «If dad catches you reading his dairy, he ‘ll come down on you like a ton of bricks».
превратиться в слух to be all ears
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be all ears: «What you say is very interesting. I am all ears».
предмет насмешек an object of fun
Пример употребления фразеологизма an object of fun: «When he was on the outs, an object of fun for some rich kids».
пресечь в корне to nip in the bud
Пример употребления фразеологизма to nip in the bud: «They tried in vain to nip in the bud our plans».
при закрытых дверях behind closed doors
Пример употребления фразеологизма behind closed doors: «They discussed her proposal behind closed doors».
прибрать к рукам lay hands on
Пример употребления фразеологизма lay hands on: «The two brothers have not laid hands on the mine but I am sure that very soon they will».
пригреть змею на груди to cherish a snake in one’s bosom: to have one’s kindness repaid with spite or ingratitude
придержать коней to hold one’s horses
Пример употребления фразеологизма to hold one’s horses: «Hold your horses»!
придержать язык to hold one’s peace
Пример употребления фразеологизма to hold one’s peace: «Bolivar stirred his sugary coffee and held his peace».
придерживаться темы to stick to the point
Пример употребления фразеологизма to stick to the point: «You should stick to the point instead of discussing problems that have nothing to do with the subject».
Прикладываться к бутылке to hit the bottle
Пример употребления фразеологизма to hit the bottle: «Whenever he had a chance, he hit the bottle».
прикусить губу to bite one’s lip
Пример употребления фразеологизма to bite one’s lip: «She bit her Up for having made such a stupid mistake».
приложить все старания to leave no stone unturned: to spare no effort to obtain one’s end
приложить руку к чему-либо to have a finger in a pie
Пример употребления фразеологизма to have a finger in a pie: «As soon as he heard there was to be a new program for gifted boys, he started preparing his own proposals. He has a finger in every pie».
принимать близко к сердцу to take to heart
Пример употребления фразеологизма to take to heart: «I took very much to heart what he had told me about his parents».
принимать за чистую монету to take at face value
Пример употребления фразеологизма to take at face value: «You should not take his words at face value».
припереть к стене with one’s back to the wall
Пример употребления фразеологизма with one’s back to the wall: «With our backs to the wall and believing in justice of our cause, each one must fight on to the end».
прислушиваться к голосу разума listen to reason
Пример употребления фразеологизма listen to reason: «I warned you that you shouldn ‘t have gone to India but you wouldn’t listen to reason».
пристать как пиявка to stick / cling like a leech
Пример употребления фразеологизма to stick / cling like a leech: «You didn’t know what she was up to? Sticking to David like a leech».
приходить в голову to cross one’s mind
Пример употребления фразеологизма to cross one’s mind: «It crossed my mind that he might have taken my book».
Прийти в негодность to fall in disrepair
Пример употребления фразеологизма to fall in disrepair: «The equipment fell in disrepair after it had not been used for some time».
провести параллель to draw a parallel
Пример употребления фразеологизма to draw a parallel: «It is difficult to draw a parallel between the ancient and the modern world».
промерз до мозга костей chilled to the marrow
Пример употребления фразеологизма chilled to the marrow: «We had better turn up the heating. Jack was chilled to the marrow, watching this football match».
производить шум / фурор to set the world on fire
Пример употребления фразеологизма to set the world on fire: «I should say you have set the world on fire with your last album, Simon».
пройти (сквозь) огонь и воду to go through fire and water
Пример употребления фразеологизма to go through fire and water: «You know I would go through fire and water, my honey, to be with you».
Прокрустово ложе the Procrustean bed : forcible method of reducing people to one standard regardless of his own needs or wishes
пролить кровь to shed blood
Пример употребления фразеологизма to shed blood: «The soldiers shed their blood that we might live».
Прометеев огонь Prometheus fire : sacred fire burning in the heart of a man and giving him inspiration
промокнуть до нитки to be wet to the skin
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be wet to the skin: «We will be wet to the skin if we do not hurry».
промывание мозгов brainwashing
Пример употребления фразеологизма brainwashing: «I feel a little sorry for them — they ‘ve been brainwashed».
проскользнуть между пальцев to slip through one’s fingers
Пример употребления фразеологизма to slip through one’s fingers: «I took too long making up my mind, and let the house slip through my fingers».
против ветра in the teeth of the wind
Пример употребления фразеологизма in the teeth of the wind: «Though he knew about their strong opposition, nevertheless he made a decision to move in the teeth of the wind whatever it might cost him».
против шерсти against the grain
Пример употребления фразеологизма against the grain: «It goes against the grain to treat him like that».
проще простого easy as ABC
прямой ответ a straight answer
Пример употребления фразеологизма a straight answer: «Are you going to lend me the money or not? I’d like a straight answer».
прятаться за бабью юбку to hide behind a woman’s skirts
Пример употребления фразеологизма to hide behind a woman’s skirts: «It is not fair to hide behind Ann’s skirts now when someone should take respon — sibilities for what has happened».
Пулей like a shot
Пример употребления фразеологизма like a shot: «I would run tike a shot if I heard that he wants to see me».
пуп земли the hub of the universe: central figure
пускать в трубу to go down the drain
Пример употребления фразеологизма to go down the drain: «All his money went down the drain».
пускать корни to take root
Пример употребления фразеологизма to take root: «The ideas of Karl Marx have never taken root in the United States or in Germany».
пускать пыль в глаза to throw dust in someone’s eye
пустить по миру to bankrupt
пустить утку to shoot a line
Пример употребления фразеологизма to shoot a line: «Martin was shooting a line that he is the son of a lord, but nobody believed him».
пуститься наутек to take to one’s heels; to run away
пушечное мясо cannon-fodder (fodder is the food fed to the animals on a farm)
Пример употребления фразеологизма cannon-fodder: «The soldiers were regarded as cannon-fodder».
пятая колонна the fifth column: people in an occupied country who collaborated with the invaders
пятьдесят на пятьдесят fifty-fifty
Пример употребления фразеологизма fifty-fifty: «His chances to win the game is only fifty-fifty».