Фразеологизмы русского языка и их перевод на английский язык. К — М
к месту in place
Пример употребления фразеологизма in place: «His warm socks were just in place, you know, for we had to take our shoes off, though the floor was so cold».
каждой бочке — затычка to have a finger in every pie
Пример употребления фразеологизма to have a finger in every pie: «When Phil heard there was to be a jumble sale, he was soon busy organizing the stalls. He has a finger in every pie».
каждый кулик свое болото хвалит all your geese are swans: you overestimate the value of your possessions or ideas, just because they are yours
как в воду кануть to vanish / disappear into thin air
Пример употребления фразеологизма to vanish / disappear into thin air: «We used to see a lot of him, then one day he vanished into thin air».
как в лесу at sea / all at sea
Пример употребления фразеологизма at sea / all at sea: «After listening a few minutes to their conversation, I was all at sea. Chemistry is not my subject».
как в тумане to be in a fog
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be in a fog: «Barbara is all in a fog now about what to do next».
Как вам не стыдно! Shame on you!
Пример употребления фразеологизма Shame on you!: «Your mother is carrying a heavy bag and you let her do it. Shame on you»!
Как ветром сдуло To vanish into thin air (букв. «Исчезнуть в прозрачный воздух»)
как гром среди ясного неба out of the blue
Пример употребления фразеологизма out of the blue: «Now, out of the blue, a Texan Ranger had shown up — one of the very ones who had partnered with Jake Spoon».
Как дважды два четыре As plain as the nose on your face (букв. «Ясно как нес на твоем лице»)
как доктор прописал just what the doctor ordered
Пример употребления фразеологизма just what the doctor ordered: «Thank you for your help. It was just what the doctor ordered»!
Какая жалость! What a pity!
Пример употребления фразеологизма What a pity!: «What a pity that she couldn’t stay with us».
как иголка в стогу (стоге) сена like looking for a needle in a haystack
Пример употребления фразеологизма like looking for a needle in a haystack: «We are moving and my room is such a mess; looking for your pencil will be like looking for a needle in a haystack».
как красный цвет на быка like a red rag to a bull
Пример употребления фразеологизма like a red rag to a bull: «Mention of his rival’s name was like a red rag to a bull to him».
как крысы с тонущего корабля like rats leaving the sinking ship: like traitors deserting the losing side in a contest
как молния like (greased) lightning / like a streak of lightning
Пример употребления фразеологизма like (greased) lightning / like a streak of lightning: «I’ ve never seen anyone run so fast. This man ran like lightning across the field».
как мухи на мед like a moth (that flies) round a light: like someone who is unable to resist temptation
как на горячем угле / как на иголках like a cat on hot bricks: extremely awkward and uneasy
как назло / как нарошно as luck would have it
Пример употребления фразеологизма as luck would have it: «John felt that he might have won Barbara that year but as luck would have it he was married then to his second wife».
как о стенку горох like talking to a brick wall
Пример употребления фразеологизма like talking to a brick wall: «He is so dogmatic. It’s like talking to a brick wall arguing with him.
Как о стенку горох You might as well talk to a brick wall. (букв. «С таким же успехом можно разговаривать с кирпичной стеной»)
как постелешь — так и спать будешь you make your bed, you must lie on it
Пример употребления фразеологизма make your bed, you must lie on it: «He has made his bed, and he must lie on it».
Как рукой сняло Disappeared as if by magic. (букв. «Исчезло, как по колдовству»)
как рыба в воде like a duck to water
Пример употребления фразеологизма like a duck to water: «Although he had never been to the office before, he took to the routine like a duck to water».
как с гуся вода (like) water off a duck’s back
Пример употребления фразеологизма(like) water off a duck’s back: «She scolded her son again and again for his laziness, but her words were water off a duck’s back».
как с неба свалиться to appear out of the blue
Пример употребления фразеологизма to appear out of the blue: «My brother suddenly appeared out of the blue yesterday. We hadn’t seen him for years and had given him up for dead».
как саранча like locusts
Пример употребления фразеологизма like locusts: «The poor relations swarmed like locusts around the rich man».
Как селедки в бочке Packed like sardines. (букв. «Набиты как сардины»)
как селедки в бочке to be packed like sardines
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be packed like sardines: «We were packed like sardines on the train. I could hardly move my arm».
как страус like an ostrich: with its head in the sand
как флюгер like a weather-cock
Пример употребления фразеологизма like a weather-cock: «Your son is so easily influenced, just like a weather — cock».
Какая муха вас укусила? What’s biting you?
Какая муха его укусила? What’s eating him?
Калиф на час a Caliph for a day: a person who comes into power for a short time only
каменное сердце a heart of stone
Пример употребления фразеологизма a heart of stone: «He must have a heart of stone to turn away his own son like he did».
Камень на сердце A heavy heart. (букв. «Тяжелое сердце»)
камень преткновения a stumbling block
Пример употребления фразеологизма a stumbling block: «The issue of ethic was a stumbling block at their discussion».
капля в море a drop in the ocean
Пример употребления фразеологизма a drop in the ocean: «Their help is only a drop in the ocean of what we realty need, but it doesn’t mean that we are not thankful to them».
карта бита the game is up
Пример употребления фразеологизма the game is up: «The game is up; would you like to make a statement now»?
карточный домик a house of cards
Пример употребления фразеологизма a house of cards: «Denis’ ideas about his future work are nothing but a house of cards that may topple over any moment».
Кататься как сыр в масле To live in clover. (букв. «Жить в клевере»)
кашу маслом не испортишь plenty is no plague
кишеть как саранча to swarm like locusts
Клин клином вышибают Nail drives out nail. (букв. «Гвоздь выгоняет гвоздь»)
клин клином вышибают habit cures habit
ключ к проблеме the key to the problem
Пример употребления фразеологизма the key to the problem: «This is very essential. I think that this is the key to the problem».
ключевое слово the key word: the word that is necessary for breaking a code
когда левая рука не знает, что делает правая when the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing
Когда рак на горе свиснет (или) После дождика в четверг — When hell freezes (букв. «Когда ад замерзнет»)
когда рак на горе свистнет when pigs fly
когда счастье мне улыбнется when my ship comes home
Пример употребления фразеологизма when my ship comes home: «When my ship comes home, I will buy this fur coat».
кожа и кости (all) skin and bones
Пример употребления фразеологизма(all) skin and bones: «The old man who was their leader was just skin and bones».
колесо фортуны the wheel of Fortune : symbolizes the vicissitudes of life
командная позиция the key position: a position of vital strategic importance
ком в горле застрял to have a lump in one’s throat
Пример употребления фразеологизма to have a lump in one’s throat: «I couldn’t say good — bye to her. I had a lump in my throat».
ком нервов a bag of nerves
Пример употребления фразеологизма a bag of nerves: «Since her divorce, Pamela has been a bag of nerves».
коней на переправе не меняют don’t change horses in midstream / halfway across the stream
Пример употребления фразеологизма don’t change horses in midstream / halfway across the stream: «It is always a mistake to change horses in midstream».
конец — делу венец the end crowns the work
корабль пустыни (верблюд) the ship of the desert: the camel
коренным образом root and branch
Пример употребления фразеологизма root and branch: «The old customs in China have been destroyed root and branch by the new regime».
коридоры власти the corridors of power
кормить завтраками one of these days is none of these days
королевский прием a royal welcome
Пример употребления фразеологизма a royal welcome: «When we arrived at a small village in Lapland, we were surprised at the royal welcome the villagers gave to us».
короче говоря in short
Пример употребления фразеологизма in short: «In short, you have to admit that you have lost this game».
краем глаза out of the corner of one’s eye
Пример употребления фразеологизма out of the corner of one’s eye: «And then J saw her out of the corner of my eye; she was so shy. »
крайности сходятся extremes meet
Красивый жест A fine gesture
краткость — сестра таланта brevity is the soul of wit
крепкий орешек a hard nut to crack
Пример употребления фразеологизма hard nut to crack: «He is a difficult man to convince. You will find him a hard nut to crack».
Крепкий орешек A hard nut to crack. (букв. «Крепкий орех для того, чтобы его расколоть»)
кричать благим матом to yell one’s head off
Пример употребления фразеологизма to yell one’s head off: «He started yelling his head off as soon as he saw his neighbour».
кровь говорит / кровь заговорила blood will tell
Пример употребления фразеологизма blood will tell: «My adopted son was given the same opportunities as the other children, but he turned out completely different from them».
кровь не вода / водица blood is thicker than water: the ties between relations are closer than those between friends
кровь с молоком the picture of health
Пример употребления фразеологизма the picture of health: «A young girl was the picture of health: rosy cheeks, bright eyes, shining teeth».
кровь зреет в жилах to make the blood run cold/to chill the blood
Пример употребления фразеологизма to make the blood run cold/to chill the blood: «The sight of the man lying on the road wo$ enough to make Nancy’s blood run cold».
крокодиловы слезы crocodile tears
Пример употребления фразеологизма crocodile tears: «Take no notice of her crocodile tears. She’s not in the least concerned about your injury».
крыша поехала to have a screw loose
Пример употребления фразеологизма to have a screw loose: «He might have a screw loose, if he believes in all this».
кто везет, того и ПОГОНЯЮТ all lay loads on a willing horse
купить кота в мешке to buy a pig in a poke
Пример употребления фразеологизма to buy a pig in a poke: «What a pity you didn ‘t speak with me before buying this equipment. J am afraid you have bought a pig in a poke».
Купить кота в мешке To buy a pig in a poke. (букв. «Купить свинью в мешке»)
куриные мозги the brain of a pigeon: to be quite brainless
кусок пирога a slice of the cake
Пример употребления фразеологизма a slice of the cake: «They are eager to have their slice of the cake after such a wonderful transaction».
лебединая песня a swan-song
Пример употребления фразеологизма a swan-song: «This composition was his swan-song».
легко даваться to come easy
Пример употребления фразеологизма to come easy: «Learning foreign languages came easy to my brother».
легок на помине to talk / speak of the devil
Пример употребления фразеологизма to talk / speak of the devil: «Oh, talk of the devil, here you are».
лезть из кожи вон to go out of one’s way
Пример употребления фразеологизма to go out of one’s way: «He went out of his way to show his interest for the offer made by his partner».
лес рубят — щепки летят where there is a strong riding there is a strong abiding
летающая тарелка a flying saucer: an unkown flying object from another planet
лизать пятки to lick someone’s boots
Пример употребления фразеологизма to lick someone’s boots: «Don ‘t you see, he tries to lick our boss’s boots all the time».
лить воду на мельницу to be grist to (or to bring grist to) someone’s mill
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be grist to (or to bring grist to) someone’s mill: «Your appreciation of her work will be grist to her mill».
Лить как из ведра It rains cats and dogs. (букв. «Дождь льет кошками и собаками»)
лить крокодиловы слезы to shed crocodile tears
Пример употребления фразеологизма to shed crocodile tears:» Take no nonee of her crocodile tears. She is not in the least concerned about your injury».
лицом к лицу face to face
Пример употребления фразеологизма face to face: «Meeting Ernie face to face the social worker would be able to assess his needs and start work on Care Plan».
ЛОВИТЬ рыбу в мутной воде to fish in troubled / muddy waters
Пример употребления фразеологизма to fish in troubled / muddy waters: «It is as easy as ABC, that they will try to fish in troubled waters».
Ловить рыбу в мутной воде To fish in troubled waters (букв. «Ловить рыбу в беспокойных водах»)
ложка дегтя a fly in the ointment
Пример употребления фразеологизма a fly in the ointment: «I would like to go to Spain next summer. The only fly in the ointment is we shall have to take our aunt with us».
ложь во спасение a white lie
Пример употребления фразеологизма a white lie: «It is better to tell a white lie than to lose a friend».
лопаться от зависти to be green with envy
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be green with envy: «If she buys this dress, she’ll make her friends green with envy».
луч надежды a ray of hope
Пример употребления фразеологизма a ray of hope: «This new contract seemed to be a ray of hope for Dave».
лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
львиная доля the lion’s share
Пример употребления фразеологизма the lion’s share: «He wants the lion’s share for himself and for his client».
любой ценой at all costs / by all means
Пример употребления фразеологизма at all costs / by all means: «I must finish this article tomorrow by all means». / «The most dangerous thing you can do is to take any one impulse of our own nature and set it up as the thing you ought to follow at all costs».
мальчик для битья a whipping boy
Пример употребления фразеологизма a whipping boy: «They use him as a wipping boy who answers all his sisterin — law’s mistakes and faults».
мамочкин сынок a mother’s boy / darling
Пример употребления фразеологизма a mother’s boy / darling: «Andy is so spoiled by his mother, a real mother boy».
Манна небесная manna from heaven: something that arrives unexpectedly as help for somebody having difficult times
марать руки to soil / dirty one’s hands
Пример употребления фразеологизма to soil / dirty one’s hands: «I wouldn’t dare to soil my hands doing any business with them».
маскарадный балл a fancy-dress ball: a ball where all the guests are dressed in costumes of historic or fictional characters or anything else that takes their fancy
мастер на все руки a Jack of all trades
Пример употребления фразеологизма a Jack of all trades: «A Jack of all trades and a master of none».
махнуть рукой to give up on / to give up as hopeless
Пример употребления фразеологизма to give up on / to give up as hopeless: «We are not going to continue the discussion of this matter; we gave up the idea as hopeless».
медовый месяц honeymoon
Пример употребления фразеологизма honeymoon : «They could afford to spend their honeymoon on the islands».
Между молотом и наковальней Between the devil and the deep blue sea (букв. «Между бесом и глубоким синим морем»)
между молотом и наковальней between the devil and the deep blue sea
между небом и землей without a roof over one’s head
между прочим by the way
Пример употребления фразеологизма by the way: «By the way, your phone’s been out of order, and I couldn’t reach you».
менять коней на переправе to change/to swap horses in midstream / halfway across the stream
Пример употребления фразеологизма to change/to swap horses in midstream / halfway across the stream: «It is always a mistake to change (to swap) horses in midstream».
мерзость запустения abomination of desolation: something very disgusting, regarded with aversion, an abominable thing
Мерять на свой аршин To measure another’s corn by one’s own bushel (букв. «Мерять чужое зерно своим собственным бушелем»)
мертвый язык a dead language: one that is no longer spoken today, such as ancient Greek, Latin, Sanskrit
метать бисер перед свиньями to cast pearls before swine
Пример употребления фразеологизма to cast pearls before swine: «I don’t think I will confess to this little man in black. Pearls before swine».
методом проб и ошибок by trial and error
Пример употребления фразеологизма by trial and error: «To find the correct solution to our problem we had to go by trial and error because nobody could give us advice».
мизинца не стоить to have more (of something) in one’s finger than someone else has in his whole body
Пример употребления фразеологизма to have more (of something) in one’s finger than someone else has in his whole body: «Steve has more skill in his little finger than you have in your whole body, which isn’t saying much».
милости просим You are always welcome!
мир тесен it’s a small world
Пример употребления фразеологизма it’s a small world: «When I was in London I met my former colleague in Oxford Street. It’s a small world»!
мне наплевать not to care a fig / not to give a fig for
Пример употребления фразеологизма not to care a fig / not to give a fig for: «I think it’s a sickness to grieve too much for those who never cared a fig for you».
мозги как решето a memory like a sieve
Пример употребления фразеологизма a memory like a sieve: «When it comes to grammar, I have a memory like a sieve».
мозги на месте (не дурак) to have one’s head screwed on the right way
Пример употребления фразеологизма to have one’s head screwed on the right way: «Sofia was sure that her husband would take a wise deci — sion; he had his head screwed on the right way».
молоко на губах не обсохло to be still wet behind the ears
Пример употребления фразеологизма to be still wet behind the ears: «He will be no match for them; he is still wet behind the ears».
молочные зубы milk teeth: first teeth
молочные реки, кисельные берега a land of milk and honey
моральная победа a moral victory: a defeat that should by rights have been a victory
моральная поддержка moral support
Пример употребления фразеологизма moral support: «I am making my first speech at the meeting, I hope you will be there to give me moral support».
мороз по коже продирает to give one the shivers
Пример употребления фразеологизма to give one the shivers: «It gives me the shivers to see how he drives his car. He is so careless».
морочить голову to pull someone’s leg
Пример употребления фразеологизма to pull someone’s leg: «Don’ t you understand he is pulling his leg to amuse everybody here».
Москва не сразу строилась Rome was not built in a day
Пример употребления фразеологизма Rome was not built in a day: «That’ s progressshe said. — Rome wasn t built in a day».
мотать себе на ус to make a mental note of
Пример употребления фразеологизма to make a mental note of: «Alan shook his head not knowing the answer making a mental note to the medic Rob had mentioned».
мудрая как сова as wise as an owl / a wise old owl
Пример употребления фразеологизма as wise as an owl / a wise old owl: «Your aunt is as wise as an owl, you’d better listen to her advice».
музейная редкость a museum piece
Пример употребления фразеологизма a museum piece: «Jack is so proud of his old car, it is a true museum piece».
муки сомнения a nagging doubt
Пример употребления фразеологизма a nagging doubt: «He had a nagging doubt whether he should have let Gus go off alone to do a job that was too big for him — the job they ought to have done together».
муравьи по коже бегают to make one’s flesh creep
Пример употребления фразеологизма to make one’s flesh creep: «It makes my flesh creep when / think about it».
мухи не обидеть be unable to hurt a fly / to be unable to say boo to a goose
Пример употребления фразеологизма be unable to hurt a fly / to be unable to say boo to a goose: «He is so timid, he wouldn’t say a boo to a goose».
мыльная опера soap opera
Пример употребления фразеологизма soap opera: «Spencer’ s mother in a floating negligee and matching robe made her appearance, her husband, in a velvet smoking jacket, following right behind. David felt as if he had stepped into a prime-time soap opera».
мышиная возня fuss over nothing
Пример употребления фразеологизма fuss over nothing: «All her preparations are just fuss about nothing. I am sure nothing will come out of it».