Фразеологизмы русского языка и их перевод на английский язык. Г— И

Фразеологизмы русского языка  и их перевод на английский язык. Г— И

А — В Г— И К — М Н— П Р— Я

гадать на кофейной гуще to read the tea-leaves

Пример употребления фразеологизма to read the tea-leaves: «I am not a person to read the lea — leaves. I prefer to go and see with my own eyes».

гадкий утенок an ugly duckling

Пример употребления фразеологизма an ugly duckling: «Marian has grown into a beautiful girl out of an ugly duckling she used to be».

генеральная битва a pitched battle: a battle in which targe forces on both sides are committed

Геркулесов труд Hercules’ labour

Пример употребления фразеологизма Hercules’ labour : «That’ s, too, is on the list of Hercules’ labour».

глава семьи the head of the family: usually the father

гладить по головке to give (someone) a pat on the back

Пример употребления фразеологизма to give (someone) a pat on the back: «The child who is palled on the back for doing a lesson well is pleased and ought to be».

глаза на мокром месте easily moved to tears

Пример употребления фразеологизма easily moved to tears: «She has been easily moved to tears over the last several years».

гнаться за двумя зайцами to run after two hares

гнуть спину (хребет) to break one’s back

Пример употребления фразеологизма to break one’s back: «Father has broken his back trying to keep this business going, but all in vain».

говорить откровенно to talk turkey

Пример употребления фразеологизма to talk turkey: «When I meet him we usually talk turkey, because we have much to discuss».

говорить на ветер (зря) to whistle in the wind

Пример употребления фразеологизма to whistle in the wind: «You might just whistle in the wind as talk to Henry».

говорить на одном языке to talk the same language

Пример употребления фразеологизма : «We have both been running English language schools for the last twenty years. We talk the same language».

говорить по делу to talk shop

Пример употребления фразеологизма to talk shop: «As we have only several minutes before the meeting starts, let’s talk shop».

Головоломка brain twister

Голодный как волк Hungry as a hunter. (букв. «Голодный как охотник»)

голубая кровь blue blood / blue blooded: of the nobility or aristocracy

голубь мира the dove of peace: the dove has been a symbol of peace from the time immemorial. It was the dove which brought a message from God to Noah in the ark at the height of the flood

Гордиев узел the Gordian knot : a great difficulty, an almost insoluble problem

горе тому woe betide you

Пример употребления фразеологизма woe betide you: «Woe betide you if you miss your interview. You won t get another chance».

город-призрак a ghost town: a town that is no longer inhabited

горькая пилюля a bitter pill

Пример употребления фразеологизма a bitter pill: «It was a bitter pill for him to swallow when he discovered that his wife didn ‘t love him any more».

Господин / хозяин своего слова a man of his word

Пример употребления фразеологизма a man of his word: «I am sure we can trust him. He is a man of his word».

готов сквозь землю провалиться to sink through the floor

Пример употребления фразеологизма to sink through the floor: «When she asked me in front of all the guests why I had been expelled from school, I was so embarrassed I could have sunk through the floor».

грести деньги лопатой to rake in the money

Пример употребления фразеологизма to rake in the money: «His new business is raking the money in with the new product».

гром среди ясного неба a bolt from the blue

Пример употребления фразеологизма a bolt from the blue: «The news abou, their marriage came like a bolt from the blue».

грош цена not worth two cents / not worth an old song

Пример употребления фразеологизма not worth two cents / not worth an old song: «His proposal is not worth an old song». / «All this fuss isn’t worth two cents».

гусиная кожа goose flesh/skin/pimples

Пример употребления фразеологизма goose flesh/skin/pimples: «And then she closed her eyes, hugged herself as goose flesh raised the hairs all over her body».

Гусь лапчатый A silly goose. (букв. «Бессмысленный гусь»)

давать нагоняй to give it (to)

Пример употребления фразеологизма to give it (to) : «Alice gave it to her son for coming home late».

далеко пойти to have come a long way

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have come a long way: «You have come a long way since we last met. You were a clerk then and now you are the director of a publishing house».

Дамоклов меч the sword of Damocles : a sword suspended by a single thread, and ready to descend and kill the person sitting below it

дареному коню в зубы не смотрят never look a gift horse in the mouth

дать на лапу to grease someone’s palm: to bribe

дать по ушам to box the ears (to strike the ears hard, usually as punishment)

Пример употребления фразеологизма to box the ears: «You take that back or I’ll box your ears».

дать тягу to make tracks for

Пример употребления фразеологизма to make tracks for: «It’ s getting late. We had better make tracks for home».

дать урок to teach a lesson

Пример употребления фразеологизма to teach a lesson: «He decided to teach the wild actress a lesson».

двойная игра hanky-panky

Пример употребления фразеологизма hanky-panky: «The whole affair seemed to me hanky-panky».

Лукавый twofaced

Пример употребления фразеологизма two-faced: «Paul praised my music when he was in my home, but I found out that he had made fun of it behind my back. He is very two-faced».

двумя ногами на земле with both feet on the ground / to have one’s feet firmly planted on the ground

Пример употребления фразеологизма with both feet on the ground: «Margaret won’t get carried away by a lot of silly notions; she has both feet on the ground».

девичья фамилия a maiden name: a wife’s family name prior to her marriage

девочка на побегушках Girl Friday

Пример употребления фразеологизма Girl Friday : «Jenny was Girl Friday in our office».

действовать на нервы to get on someone’s nerves

Пример употребления фразеологизма to get on someone’s nerves: «The old lady’s complains really got on my nerves».

действовать наверняка to play safe

Пример употребления фразеологизма to play safe: «You had better play safe and go to the railway station right now not to miss the last train».

Делать из мухи слона To make a mountain out of molehill. (букв. «Делать гору из кротовины»)

делать хорошую (веселую) мину при плохой игре to put a bold face on something

Пример употребления фразеологизма to put a bold face on something: «When Harry was told that he was dismissed, he put a bold face on it, and said that he had intended to take another job anyway».

дело в шляпе it’s in the bag

Пример употребления фразеологизма it’s in the bag: «After two hours with the director I was offered a good position in the firm. It’s in the bag»!

дело чести an article of faith: a crucial moment in someone’s philosophy

Денег куры не клюют Rolling in money. (букв. «Кататься в деньгах»)

Деньги на бочку! Pay on the nail!

держать (свое) слово to keep one’s word

Пример употребления фразеологизма to keep one’s word: «He promised his mother to keep his word».

держать в ежовых рукавицах to rule with an iron hand

Пример употребления фразеологизма to rule with an iron hand: «He had to rule all the family with an iron hand».

держать в неведении to keep in the dark

Пример употребления фразеологизма to keep in the dark: «The family had been kept in the dark on the matter be fore the final solution was made».

держать голову высоко to hold one’s head high

Пример употребления фразеологизма to hold one’s head high: «Now you have been acquitted on alt the charges, you can hold your head high».

держать нос по ветру to know which way the wind is blow ing

Пример употребления фразеологизма to know which way the wind is blow ing: «He was distinguished by his ability to know which way the wind was blowing».

держать порох сухим to keep one’s powder dry

Пример употребления фразеологизма to keep one’s powder dry: «Put your trust in God and keep your powder dry».

держать рот на замке to have one’s lips sealed

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have one’s lips sealed: «This is really confidential so, please, have your lips sealed».

держать ухо востро to keep one’s ear open / to keep a weather eye open

Пример употребления фразеологизма to keep one’s ear open / to keep a weather eye open: «They soon went North; since then Augusts had kept his ears open for news that she was widowed». / «You should keep a weather eye open with people like that».

держать ушки на верхушке to prick up one’s ears

Пример употребления фразеологизма to prick up one’s ears: «She pricked up her ears when she heard her name mentioned».

держать язык за зубами to hold one’s tongue

Пример употребления фразеологизма to hold one’s tongue: «If I tell him something in confidence, do you think he can be trusted to hold his tongue»?

держаться ближе к делу to stick to the point

Пример употребления фразеологизма to stick to the point: «A student was asked several times to stick to the point».

держаться в тени to keep a low profile

Пример употребления фразеологизма to keep a low profile: «I had no idea my proposal would arouse jo much hostility. I had better keep a low profile for the next few months».

держаться на ногах to keep one’s feel

Пример употребления фразеологизма to keep one’s feel: «After drinking the whole evening he found it difficult to keep his feet».

держаться на плаву / поверхности to keep one’s head above water

Пример употребления фразеологизма to keep one’s head above water: «I am afraid Philip’s business isn’t doing at all well; he is barely keeping his head above water».

джентльменское соглашение a gentleman’s agreement

Пример употребления фразеологизма a gentleman’s agreement: «We have a gentleman’s agreement, which is as good as a signed contract».

дитя природы child of nature: someone who is innately good, even if unpolished

для разнообразия for a change

Пример употребления фразеологизма for a change: «Let’ s play another game for a change».

дни сочтены one’s days are numbered

Пример употребления фразеологизма one’s days are numbered: «You may not think it, seeing all this fair land, but the days of the human race are numbered».

до кончиков пальцев to one’s fingertips

Пример употребления фразеологизма to one’s fingertips: «John was a bureaucrat to his fingertips».

до посинения until you are blue in the face

Пример употребления фразеологизма until you are blue in the face: «She can tell her endless stories until she is blue in the face».

дождь льет как из ведра to rain cats and dogs

Пример употребления фразеологизма to rain cats and dogs: «It has been raining cats and dogs for an hour already».

доживать свои последние дни to be on one’s (its) last legs

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be on one’s (its) last legs: «Mr. Jones hasn’t enough money left to renew his stock; his business is on its last legs».

дойти до точки to be at one’s wits’ end

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be at one’s wits’ end: «I was at my wits’ end. I could not find the solution of this problem alone».

достигать совершеннолетия to come of age

Пример употребления фразеологизма to come of age: «She was now nearly twenty — one. She was independent both by age and by income».

дорогая половина one’s better half: a humorous reference to one’s wife

дразнить гусей to frighten the horses: to be indiscreet, to shock public opinion

другими словами in other words

Пример употребления фразеологизма in other words: «We may kill if necessary, but we must not hate and enjoy hating. In other words, the feeling of resentment must be killed inside us».

дурной глаз the evil eye / to have an evil eye on someone: a menacing, ominous look

Душа нараспашку Open-hearted

душа общества the life and soul

Пример употребления фразеологизма the life and soul: «Jack is always the life and soul of the party».

душа идет / душа ушла в пятки with one’s heart in one’s mouth / to have one’s heart in one’s boots / to have one’s heart sink into one’s boots

Пример употребления фразеологизма with one’s heart in one’s mouth / to have one’s heart in one’s boots / to have one’s heart sink into one’s boots: «When I saw the doctor’s face, my heart sank in my boots» ./ «When I heard a knock at the door, my heart was in my mouth».

Душа пошла в пятки One’s heart sank into one’s boots. (букв. «Сердце опустилось в ботинки»)

душой и телом body and soul

Пример употребления фразеологизма body and soul: «What he does, he does body and soul».

Единолично single-handed

Пример употребления фразеологизма single-handed: «I’ ve told him you’re the one who cracked it. Single- handed».

еле-еле by the skin of one’s teeth

Пример употребления фразеологизма by the skin of one’s teeth: «She was able to catch the last train by the skin of her teeth».

если бы да кабы if wishes were horses (beggars would ride)

ехать в Тулу со своим самоваром to carry coals to Newcastle

ждать у моря погоды Esperar que el olmo de peras (букв. «ожидать, чтобы вяз дал груши»)

ждать с козла молока to milk the bull (ram)

Пример употребления фразеологизма to milk the bull (ram) : «It is stupid to expect anything from here; a mere case of milking the bull».

желать попутного ветра to wish a fair wind

Пример употребления фразеологизма to wish a fair wind: «The President wished a fair wind to the sportsmen who were going to participate in the Olympic Games».


Пример употребления фразеологизма with an iron hand: «The leader crushed he rebellion with an iron hand».

железный занавес the iron curtain: the military and political barrier which separated the Western democracies from the Warsaw Pact countries

желторотый green / as green as grass

Пример употребления фразеологизма green / as green as grass: «You cannot expect this boy to do business with such person as Arthur. He is only twenty and as green as grass».

животные страсти animal passions: man’s lowest instincts

жить как кошка с собакой to lead a cat and dog life

Пример употребления фразеологизма to lead a cat and dog life: «They quarrel furiously most of the time. It is difficult to understand how can they lead this cat and dog life».

Жить как на вулкане To sit on a powder keg. (букв. «Сидеть на пороховой бочке»)

жить не по средствам to live beyond one’s means

Пример употребления фразеологизма to live beyond one’s means: «No wonder the Howards have gone bankrupt; they have been living beyond their means for years».

жить открытым домом to keep open house: to be at home to visitors at all the times; to offer them hospitality regardless of who they are

жребий брошен the die is cast: your action is irrevocable

за бесценок to go for a song

Пример употребления фразеологизма to go for a song: «The picture went for a song because the painter had to raise money quickly».

за словом в карман не лезет to have a ready tongue

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have a ready tongue: «These folks are really wise, they have a ready tongue for all kinds of questions».

за спиной behind one’s back / when one’s back is turned

Пример употребления фразеологизма behind one’s back / when one’s back is turned: «Laura said some very nasty words about you behind your back».

забивать себе в голову to get it into one’s head

Пример употребления фразеологизма to get it into one’s head: «Students couldn’t get Latin grammar into their heads».

заблудиться в трех соснах to be confounded by the simplest problem

заблудшая овца lost sheep

Пример употребления фразеологизма lost sheep: «Was it necessary to risk his life for that lost sheep»?

забрать свои слова обратно to eat one’s words

Пример употребления фразеологизма to eat one’s words: «Our critics said that we would never make a success of our magazine; now that we have proved them wrong, they will have to eat their words».

завоевать доброе имя to make a name for oneself

Пример употребления фразеологизма to make a name for oneself: «Christian has made a name for himself in printing».

завершить цикл to come full circle

Пример употребления фразеологизма to come full circle: «After making and losing a fortune in America, Tom returned to his old job at Barclays. He had come full circle».

завести волынку to harp on the same string

Пример употребления фразеологизма to harp on the same string: «И wish you wouldn’t harp on the same string every time I drink coffee. I know already that it is bad for health, but I won’t give it up».

загнать в угол to drive someone into a corner: to deprive an opponent of any possibility to retreat. The phrase is often used in boxing

зацепить за живое to cut to the quick

Пример употребления фразеологизма to cut to the quick: «Robert was cut to the quick when his wife told him she would not go abroad with him».

задирать нос to put one’s nose in the air

Пример употребления фразеологизма to put one’s nose in the air: «You put your nose in the air every time your back is against the wall».

заказывать музыку to call the tune

Пример употребления фразеологизма to call the tune: «You must do what your uncle asks. He is paying for your training so he has a right to call the tune».

забрасывать удочки to fly a kite

Пример употребления фразеологизма to fly a kite: «It would be wise to fly a kite to test public reaction».

закон джунглей the law of the jungle

Пример употребления фразеологизма the law of the jungle: «The law of the jungle governs all in Free Market economy».

закон не писаный (для кого, кому) to be a law unto oneself

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be a law unto oneself: «Executives of his eminence rarely bothered them — seh’es with the spadework but Cousins — as she’d begun to realize — was a law unto himself».

закрутить гайки to tighten the screw

Пример употребления фразеологизма to tighten the screw: «Our boss is trying to tighten the screw in order to make us work long hours».

закрывать глаза (на что) to shut one’s eye to

Пример употребления фразеологизма to shut one’s eye to: «She shut her eye to all his short — comings, although my brother was always pointing them out to her».

зализывать раны to lick one’s wounds

Пример употребления фразеологизма to lick one’s wounds: «She wanted to be alone to lick a few wounds».

заложить краеугольный камень to lay the corner-stone: the cornerstone is the most important part of the building

Замести следы To cover up one’s traces. (букв. «Скрывать следы»)

заметать следы to cover one’s tracks

Пример употребления фразеологизма to cover one’s tracks: «The bank robbers have covered their tracks very thoroughly».

замолвить словечко to put a word (for)

Пример употребления фразеологизма to put a word (for) : «Could you put a word for me, Nancy, when you see Mr. Jacobs tomorrow»?

заморозить (проект, план) to put on ice

Пример употребления фразеологизма to put on ice: «We are sorry, Andrew, but we ‘ve had to put your project on ice. We ‘ll have another look at it in two months’ period».

замучиться до смерти to be sick to death

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be sick to death: «I am sick to death of his endless stories».

занят по уши to be up to the ears in work / to have one’s hands full

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be up to the ears in work / to have one’s hands full: «I cannot go to the theater tonight, I am up to the ears in work». / «Don’ t ask me to do anything else, I have my hands full with the children».

запретный плод stolen fruit / forbidden fruit

Пример употребления фразеологизма stolen fruit / forbidden fruit: «Forbidden fruit is always the most desirable».

заразный смех infectious laugh

Пример употребления фразеологизма infectious laugh: «Her laugh was so infectious that when she laughed, all class joined in though they didn ‘t understand the joke».

Зарубить на носу Put it into your pipe and smoke it. (букв. «Положите в свою трубку и скурите»)

зарыть голову в песок to bury one’s head in the sand

Пример употребления фразеологизма to bury one’s head in the sand: «He has buried his head in the sand and does not want to listen to everybody».

зарыть талант в землю to bury one’s talent: to disregard one’s abilities and gifts

застольная беседа table talk: light conversation at the table

затевать безнадежное дело to make bricks without straw

Пример употребления фразеологизма to make bricks without straw: «We were unable to give you an opinion because you did not give the information we needed. We can’t make bricks without straw».

затишье перед бурей the calm before the storm: a period of quiet before an upheaval or crisis

затянуть ремень to tighten the belt / to pull in one’s belt

Пример употребления фразеологизма to tighten the belt / to pull in one’s belt: «The President asked his people to tighten their belts and to wait for better times».

захватить кого-нибудь внезапно to take someone by surprise

Пример употребления фразеологизма to take someone by surprise: «The policeman look the criminal by surprice».

Зайти в безвыходное положение to strike a snag

Пример употребления фразеологизма to strike a snag: «The negotiations stroke a snag and had to be postponed for two weeks».

Звезд с неба не хватает He won’t set the Thames on fire. (букв. «Он не подожжет Темзу»)

злоба дня a nine-days wonder: something very sensational but quickly forgotten

знать как свои пять пальцев to have at one’s fingertips / to know a place like the back / palm of one’s hand

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have at one’s fingertips / to know a place like the back / palm of one’s hand: «He has parliamentary procedures and the rules and traditions of the House of Commons at his fingertips».

знать свое место to know one’s place

Пример употребления фразеологизма to know one’s place: «Dan should know his place and avoid giving advice to the boss».

знать толк в чем-либо to have an eye for

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have an eye for: «She had an eye for clothing and she wore it beautifully,»

знать, куда ветер дует to know which way the wind is blowing / wait and see which way the wind is blowing

Пример употребления фразеологизма to know which way the wind is blowing / wait and see which way the wind is blowing: «We should wait and see which way the wind is blowing».

значиться в списках to be on the books

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be on the books: «This institution is not on the books. / don’t think we will deal with it».

золотая середина a happy medium

Пример употребления фразеологизма a happy medium: «You should choose a happy medium and think about your health».

золотой век The Golden Age

Пример употребления фразеологизма The Golden Age : «The seventeenth century was the Golden Age for France».

золотое дно a gold-mine

Пример употребления фразеологизма a gold-mine: «This business could be a gold-mine if it were properly developed».’

золотое правило the golden rule

Пример употребления фразеологизма the golden rule: «Never to be late is the golden rule».

золотое сердце a heart of gold

Пример употребления фразеологизма a heart of gold: «Your mother has a heart of gold; she is so kind, generous and forgiving».

золотой юбилей a Golden Jubilee

Пример употребления фразеологизма a Golden Jubilee : «Celebration of the fifties anniversary of an important event is a Golden Jubilee».

золотые дни a hey-day / halcyon day: the best days

зубы съесть to cut one’s teeth

Пример употребления фразеологизма to cut one’s teeth: «Forty — four years ago he cut his teeth on Richmond Council».

и вашим и нашим to face both ways: to support both contestants at the same time

и глазом не моргнув without batting an eye / without blinking an eye

Пример употребления фразеологизма without batting an eye / without blinking an eye: «I won t bat an eye, if / have to shoot you». / «Yet everyone knew that if something needed to be taken of, Ricky could take care of it himself without blinking an eye».

игра не стоит свеч the game is not worth the candle

Пример употребления фразеологизма the game is not worth the candle: «I have tried to reorganize the company, but it!? hopeless. The game isn’t worth the candle».

играть в кошки-мышки to play cat and mouse

играть вторую скрипку to play second fiddle

Пример употребления фразеологизма to play second fiddle: «She is playing second fiddle to her husband though she is as good as he is».

играть на руку to play into someone’s hands

Пример употребления фразеологизма to play into someone’s hands: «You should never have confined your business troubles to your competitors. Now they can make matters worse for you. You have played into their hands».

играть по правилам to play the game: to be fair and honest in one’s dealings with other people

играть с огнем to play with fire

Пример употребления фразеологизма to play with fire: «I wouldn’t advise Kate what to do when she and her husband quarrel; you ‘ll be playing with fire if you do».

Играть с огнем To play with edge-tool. (букв. «Играть с острым инструментом»)

играть чувствами to play upon someone’s feelings

Пример употребления фразеологизма to play upon someone’s feelings: «Don’ t let him play upon your feelings. He is only trying to get some money out of you».

идти в ногу со временем to march / move / keep up with the times

Пример употребления фразеологизма to march / move / keep up with the times: «We have to march with the times, otherwise our clients will go elsewhere».

идти как по маслу to go with a run / to go with a swing

Пример употребления фразеологизма to go with a run / to go with a swing: «We were happy that alt went with a swing».

идти куда глаза глядят to follow one’s nose

Пример употребления фразеологизма to follow one’s nose: «She told me just to follow my nose».

идти на поводу to be led by the nose

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be led by the nose: «The boss was led by the nose by his secretary till she had spent all his money».

идти навстречу to meet halfway

Пример употребления фразеологизма to meet halfway: «You might meet us halfway. We agreed to support you and you will change your attitude to your work».

идти по линии (пути) наименьшего сопротивления to take the line of least resistance

Пример употребления фразеологизма to take the line of least resistance: «Max always takes the line of least resistance with his studies, and the results are vivid».

идти своей дорогой to go one’s own way

Пример употребления фразеологизма to go one’s own way: «All right, Tom, go your own way, if that’s how you feel about it, but / wish you would listen to us just once».

из вторых рук at second hand

Пример употребления фразеологизма at second hand: «I have only received the news second hand, so it may not be reliable».

из года в год year in, year out

Пример употребления фразеологизма year in, year out: «Year in, year out Mr. Jackson would go to London in this time of the year to see his old friends».

из объятий смерти out of the jaws of death

Пример употребления фразеологизма out of the jaws of death: «He was snatched from the jaws of death by his friend».

из огня да в полымя out of the frying-pan into the fire / to jump out of the frying-pan into the fire

Пример употребления фразеологизма out of the frying-pan into the fire / to jump out of the frying-pan into the fire: «Joe changed his job because he wanted more freedom, but in his new job he couldn’t leave the office without the manager’s permission. It was a case of out of the frying-pan into the ftre».

из одного теста сделаны tarred with the same brush

Пример употребления фразеологизма tarred with the same brush: «I wouldn’t deal with anybody from this family, they are all tarred with the same brush».

из первых уст at first hand / straight from the horse’s mouth

Пример употребления фразеологизма at first hand / straight from the horse’s mouth: «I got the news at first hand, so I know it’s true». / «We’ d better ask the shipper what informotion they want to receive, for it’s the best thing when one can find out the in — structions straight from the horse’s mouth».

избиение младенцев the massacre of innocents: heartless treatment of children or young people, often used humorously

излить душу to pour one’s heart

Пример употребления фразеологизма to pour one’s heart: «When we were alone, she poured out her heart to me about her broken marriage».

Излить душу To bare one’s heart. (букв. «Открыть сердце»)

изо всех сил for dear life

Пример употребления фразеологизма for dear life: «When the children saw the owner of the house they ran for dear life out of the garden».

изо дня в день day in, day out

Пример употребления фразеологизма day in, day out: «Day in, day out Mr. Brinkman took a morning train and went to work».

из-под носа under one’s nose

Пример употребления фразеологизма under one’s nose: «He stole my watch from right under my nose».

из-под прилавка under the counter

Пример употребления фразеологизма under the counter: «He was dismissed for having sold goods under the counter».

иметь (всего лишь) одну пару рук to have only one pair of hands

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have only one pair of hands: «I can’t look after the children and cook the dinner at the same time; I’ve only got one pair of hands».

иметь в виду to have / to bear / keep in mind

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have / to bear / keep in mind: «We can propose several machines but what price do you have in mind»? / «You must bear in mind, my daughter is very young».

иметь длинный язык to be loose — tongued (to be garrulous, indiscreet)

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be loose — tongued (to be garrulous, indiscreet) : «A loose tongue is never welcome».

иметь зуб против bear / have / hold a grudge against

Пример употребления фразеологизма bear / have / hold a grudge against: «Mike didn’t think it was so much Joe who held a grudge against him».

иметь козырь впрок to have a card up one’s sleeve

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have a card up one’s sleeve: «The future had a card up its sleeve which nothing at that point would have led him to expect».

иметь нахальство to have a cheek / to have the nerve / to have the gall to

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have a cheek / to have the nerve / to have the gall to: «He has a cheek to ask me for a loan the minute we were introduced» / «He has the nerve to pass judgment on what we do».

иметь обоняние на to have a nose for

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have a nose for: «She had a real nose for trouble».

иметь особый подход to have a way with one

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have a way with one: «Mrs. Statford has a real way with her students. They agree with everything she says».

иметь острый язык to have a sharp tongue (to have a pointed way of thinking)

Пример употребления фразеологизма : «He was afraid of her sharp tongue».

иметь работы по горло to be up to the ears in work

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be up to the ears in work: «Is is useless to approach him with any request, he is up to the ears in work».

иметь счеты с to have a bone to pick with someone

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have a bone to pick with someone: «I have a bone to pick with you. My sister saw you take $5 bill out of my handbag this morning».

иметь хлопот полный рот to have one’s hands full

Пример употребления фразеологизма to have one’s hands full: «Don’ t ask me to do anything else. / have my hands full looking after two children».

Искать иголку в стоге сена To look for a needle in a haystack

испить чашу до дна To drink the cup to the end (букв. «Выпить чашу до остатка (осадка)»)

испокон веков since time immemorial

испортить всю музыку to upset the apple cart

Пример употребления фразеологизма to upset the apple cart: «That accident has upset the apple cart».

испытывать терпение to try the patience of a saint / to try the patience of Job

Пример употребления фразеологизма to try the patience of a saint / to try the patience of Job : «You are trying the patience of a saint, I have explained it to you many times».

ищи ветра в поле truth lies at the bottom of the well

Фразеологизмы русского языка  и их перевод на английский язык. Г— И