Фразеологізми англійської мови та їх переклад на українську мову. to carry — to rain

Фразеологізми англійської мови  та їх переклад на українську мову. to carry — to rain

А — D E — S T — to carry to carry — to rain to raise — Y

1. to carry out like clockwork розігрувати як по нотах

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to carry out like clockwork: «We brought him to the theater just by the time the show started; the plan was carried out like clockwork».

2. to cast a cloud over кидати тінь

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cast a cloud over: «The news of her father’s illness cast a cloud over their honeymoon».

3. to cast pearls before swine метати бісер перед свинями

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cast pearls before swine: «I don’t think I will confess to this little man in black. Pearls before swine».

4. to catch someone red-handed упіймати на місці злочину

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to catch someone red — handed: «You were caught red-handed! We saw you take money out of the box».

5. to catch the eye впадати в око

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to catch the eye: «Everything that catches the eye looks beautiful to him».

6. to change / to swap horses in mid-stream / halfway across the stream міняти коней під час переправи

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to change / to swap horses in mid — stream / halfway across the stream: «It is always a mistake to change (to swap) horses in midstream».

7. to cherish a snake in one’s bosom пригріти змію на грудях

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cherish a snake in one’s bosom: to have one’s kindness repaid with spite or ingratitude

8. to chew someone out намилити голову

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to chew someone out: «He was ready to chew her out over a boy she might have teased in the hallway».

9. to clear the air розрядити атмосферу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to clear the air: «I am so happy, he told us this story, it really cleared the air».

10. to clip someone’s wings підрізувати крила

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to clip someone’s wings: «Every time I ring my doctor for an appointment, I am crossed by his receptionist. It’s time her wings were clipped».

11. to close ranks зімкнути ряди

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to close ranks: «He’ d supported her to the hilt, but he was appalled at the way the party had closed ranks against her».

12. to clutch at a straw хапатися за соломинку

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to clutch at a straw: «A drawing man will clutch at a straw».

13. to coin money друкувати гроші: to make so much money from one’s business that it is al — most the same as minting it oneself

14. to come back empty-handed повернутися з порожніми руками

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to come back empty-handed: «They came back home empty-handed».

15. to come down on someone like a ton of bricks перетворити на перепічку

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to come down on someone like a ton of bricks: «If dad catches you reading his dairy, he ‘ll come down on you like a ton of bricks».

16. to come down to earth спуститися на землю

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to come down to earth: «How old are you? Come down to earth».

17. to come easy легко даватися

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to come easy: «Learning foreign lan — guages came easy to my brother».

18. to come full circle завершити цикл

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to come full circle: «After making and losing a fortune in America, Tom returned to his old job at Barclays. He had come full circle».

19. to come of age досягати повноліття

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to come of age: «She was now nearly twenty — one. She was independent both by age and by income».

20. to come to grief потерпіти невдачу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to come to grief: «He made it plain that he harbored a grudge against them and would not be sorry to see them come to grief».

21. to come to one’s senses братися за розум

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to come to one’s senses: «You should speak to Paul that you will stop his allowance unless he behaves himself; then he will come to his senses».

22. to come under the hammer з молотка (продати, пустити, піти): to be sold by an auctioneer, to be put up for auction

23. to confuse the issue напускати туман

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to confuse the issue: «Don’ t even try to confuse the issue, nothing will come out of it».

24. to cost a pretty penny обійтися в копієчку

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cost a pretty penny: «Your divorce will cost you a pretty penny».

25. to count on the fingers / on the fingers of one hand порахувати на пальцях

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to count on the fingers / on the fingers of one hand: «You could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times old Westwoad arrived late at the office during the thirty years he worked for the firm».

26. to cover one’s tracks замітати сліди

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cover one’s tracks: «The bank robbers have covered their tracks very thoroughly».

27. To cover up one’s traces. (букв. «Приховувати сліди») Замісти сліди

28. to cream off / to skim the cream знімати вершки

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cream off / to skim the cream: «Oxford and Cambridge are still creaming off the most brilliant scholars, de — spite all the social changes that have taken place since the end of the war».

29. to cross one’s mind спадати на думку

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cross one’s mind: «It crossed my mind that he might have taken my book».

30. to cross one’s palm with silver позолотити ручку: to bribe

31. to cross swords with схрестити шпаги

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cross swords with: «My brother is a hot — tempered man; I wouldn’t cross swords with him, if I were you».

32. to cross the Rubicon перейти Рубікон

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cross the Rubicon: to take a final irrevocable step which may have dangerous consequences

33. to cry one’s eyes out виплакати (усі) очі

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cry one’s eyes out: «It was a woman without a smile. She had cried her eyes out looking at her little son’s sufferings».

34. to curl the lip скривити губу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to curl the lip: «She curled her lip when they started to quarrel»

35. to cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth по одягу протягуй ніжки

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth: «Now her husband has lost his job, she will be obliged to cut her coat according to her cloth».

36. to cut one’s teeth зуби з’їсти

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cut one’s teeth: «Forty — four years ago he cut his teeth on Richmond Council».

37. to cut one’s teeth собаку з’їв

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cut one’s teeth: «Forty — four years ago he cut his teeth on Richmond Council».

38. to cut the ground from under one’s feet / to pull the rug from under one’s feet / to take the wind out of one’s sails вибити ґрунт з-під ніг

Наприклад вживання фразеологізму to cut the ground from under one’s feet: «When Nancy’s father complained about the teaching at the school, the headmaster cut the ground from under his feet by announcing that Nancy had won a scholarship at Marlborough College». / «Councel for the accused was about to address the jury when he had the wind taken out of his sails by the client, who blurted out that he was guilty».

39. to cut to the quick зачепити за живе

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to cut to the quick: «Robert was cut to the quick when his wife told him she would not go abroad with him».

40. to die like a dog померти як собака

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to die like a dog: to die without hon — our or dignity, to die in shameful circumstances

41. to do one’s bit зробити внесок

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to do one’s bit: «Each family member did his bit for her to feel herself at home».

42. to do someone / something justice віддати належне

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to do someone / something justice: «Your portrait of Sue is a reasonable likeness but, in my opinion, doesn’t do justice to her charm and vivacity».

43. to dot i’s and cross t’ ставити крапки над і

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to dot i’s and cross t ‘: «It’ s time to dot i’s and cross t’s».

44. to draw a parallel провести паралель

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to draw a parallel: «It is difficult to draw a parallel between the ancient and the modern world».

45. to draw the line покласти край (межу)

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to draw the line: «I don’t mind Carol bringing her friends home but I draw the line at strangers she’s picked up in the bus».

46. To draw the wool over someone’s eyes. (букв. «Натягнути шерсть на очі кому-небудь») Водити кого-небудь за ніс

47. to drink like a fish пити як бочка: to be a hard drinker

48. To drink the cup to the end. (букв. «Випити чашу до останку (осаду)») Випити чашу до дна

49. to drive someone into a corner загнати в кут: to deprive an opponent of any possibility to retreat. The phrase is often used in boxing

50. to drive someone up the wall зводити з розуму

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to drive someone up the wall: «When my mother hears this music, it drives her up the wall».

51. to drop a brick зробити ляпсус

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to drop a brick: «I have dropped a brick by telling him that / did not remember what was his story about».

52. to drop into someone’s lap з неба звалитися

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to drop into someone’s lap: «All the best things in life must be worked for — love, friendship, success… they won’t drop into your lap».

53. to drop off the hook зіграти в ящик

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to drop off the hook: «The story had been strong enough to get the Irish cabinet off the hook».

54. to drum / drill something into someone’s head утовкмачити що-небудь в голову

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to drum / drill something into someone’s head: «He remembered one thing the Captain had drilled into their heads many times: that a good start made for a good campaign».

55. to eat one’s words забрати свої слова назад

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to eat one’s words: «Our critics said that we would never make a success of our magazine; now that we have proved them wrong, they will have to eat their words».

56. to eat the seedcorn / to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs рубати сук, на якому сидиш

57. to escape one’s lips зірватися / зриватися з язика

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to escape one’s lips: «I didn’t mean to offend you, and I am very sorry for the cruel words that have escaped my lips».

58. to escape with a whole skin вийти сухим із води: to escape without injury

59. to face both ways і вашим і нашим: to support both contestants at the same time

60. to face up to дивитися правді в очі

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to face up to: «You must face up to the fact that we are jobless».

61. to fall between two stools сидіти між двох стільців

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to fall between two stools: «Harris fell between two stools of philosophy and mathematics. Having divided his time equally between both subjects, he left University without a degree in either».

62. to fall from grace потрапити в немилість

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to fall from grace: «Since being rude to the client, Brenda has fallen from Mr. Smith’s grace and expects very soon to lose her job».

63. to fall in disrepair робитися непридатною

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to fall in disrepair: «The equipment fell in disrepair after it had not been used for some time».

64. to feather one’s nest нагріти руки

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to feather one’s nest: «He is not going to feather his nest at our expense».

65. to feel ill at ease with відчувати себе не у своїй тарілці

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to feel ill at ease with: «I always feel ill at ease with my boss, I can’t say why».

66. to fight a losing battle вести нерівний бій

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to fight a losing battle: «We all fight a losing battle with age; it’s better to grow old gracefully».

67. to fish for compliments напрошуватися на комплімент

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to fish for compliments: «You are so pretty, do not try to fish for compliments».

68. to fish for information вивуджувати інформацію

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to fish for information: «The reporters were here all morning fishing for information».

69. To fish in troubled waters. (букв. «Ловити рибу в неспокійних водах») Ловити рибу в каламутній воді

70. to fish in troubled / muddy waters Ловити рибу в каламутній воді

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to fish in troubled / muddy waters: «It is as easy as ABC, that they will try to fish in troubled waters».

71. to flood the market наводнити ринок

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to flood the market: «Chinese goods flooded the market».

72. to fly a kite закидати вудки

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to fly a kite: «It would be wise to fly a kite to test public reaction».

73. To fly off the handle. (букв. «Зірватися з ручки») Вийти із себе

74. to follow one’s nose йти світ за очі

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to follow one’s nose: «She told me just to follow my nose».

75. to frighten someone out of one’s wits / to scare to death злякати до смерті

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to frighten someone out of one’s wits / to scare to death: «You scared me half to death. Why didn’t you just knock»? / «That dog frightens me out of my wits, they should keep it chained».

76. to frighten the horses дратувати гусей: to be indiscreet, to shock public opinion

77. to gain one’s hand in набити руку

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to gain one’s hand in: «After a couple of games, you’ll soon get your hand in this game. It is not difficult».

78. to get away with сходити з рук

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get away with: «Though it was evident that he had taken bribes, he got away with it».

79. to get back on one’s feet встати на ноги

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get back on one’s feet: «We’ ve got to geld some horses. We Ve put it off too long, hoping Bob would get back on his feet».

80. to get dizzy with success отримати запаморочення від успіхів

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get dizzy with success: «He made a stupid mistake, that’s because he is dizzy with success».

81. to get it in the neck отримати по шиї

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get it in the neck: «He got it in the neck for being rude to his little sister».

82. to get it into one’s head забивати собі в голову

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get it into one’s head: «Students couldn’t get Latin grammar into their heads».

83. to get mixed up збитися з пантелику

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get mixed up: «We got mixed up and missed the station».

84. to get on someone’s nerves діяти на нерви

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get on someone’s nerves: «The old lady’s complains really got on my nerves».

85. to get out of bed on the wrong side встати не з тієї ноги

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get out of bed on the wrong side: «What’ s wrong with you this morning, Jenny? You got out of bed on the wrong side, I bet».

86. To get out of the bed on the wrong side. (букв. «Вставати не з того боку ліжка») Вставати з лівої ноги

87. to get something off one’s hands збути з рук

88. to get something out of one’s mind викинути з голови

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get something out of one’s mind: «I was wrong to talk to her like that and now I can’t get it out of my mind».

89. to get stuck опинитися в дурнях

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get stuck: «The man got stuck when he paid six hundred dollars for that old car».

90. to get the lay of the land / sound out the possibilities намацувати ґрунт

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get the lay of the land / sound out the possibilities: «It was obvious that they were trying to get the lay of the land by asking different questions».

91. to get the upper hand узяти вгору

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get the upper hand: «I bet you’d change fast, if / ever let you get the upper hand».

92. to get the works потрапити в халепу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to get the works: «You will get the works if you are not careful enough».

93. to give (someone) a pat on the back гладити по голівці

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to give (someone) a pat on the back: «The child who is palled on the back for doing a lesson well is pleased and ought to be».

94. to give it (to) давати прочухан

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to give it (to): «Alice gave it to her son for coming home late».

95. to give one the shivers мороз по шкірі дере

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to give one the shivers: «It gives me the shivers to see how he drives his car. He is so careless».

96. to give someone the cold shoulder влаштувати холодний прийом

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to give someone the cold shoulder: «When I greeted Mary this morning, she pretended not to see me. I wonder why she is giving me the cold shoulder».

97. to give the green light to відкривати зелену вулицю

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to give the green light to: «Our director has given the green light to our proposal. We can start on the project straight away».

98. to give the palm to передати пальму першості

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to give the palm to: «He had to give the palm to his competitor».

99. to give up on / to give up as hopeless махнути рукою

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to give up on / to give up as hopeless: «We are not going to continue the discussion of this matter; we gave up the idea as hopeless».

100. to go awry; to go down the drain зійти нанівець

101. to go by the board залишитися за бортом

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go by the board: «Everything went by the board — holidays, new clothes, entertaining — in order to get Jennifer into college».

102. to go down in history увійти до історії

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go down in history: «Alexander Bell has gone down in history as the inventor of the telephone».

103. to go down the drain спускати в трубу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go down the drain: «All his money went down the drain».

104. to go for a song за безцінь

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go for a song: «The picture went for a song because the painter had to raise money quickly».

105. to go halves увійти до долі: to take an equal share with somebody else

106. to go into details вдаватися до подробиць

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go into details: «He didn’t go into details but his manner left Ann in no doubt about the importance of what was about to happen».

107. to go off one’s head / to be off one’s head / to take leave of one’s senses з’їхати з глузду

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go off one’s head / to be off one’s head / to take leave of one’s senses: «He must have been off his head to try to climb the mountain without a guide». / «You must have taken the leave of your senses. Your flight is at 10.30 and you are still at home».

108. to go on tip-toe / to walk on tip-toe / to tip-toe ходити навшпиньках

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go on tip-toe / to walk on tip-toe / to tip-toe: «When their mother was ill, the children tip-toed up and down stairs so as not to wake her».

109. to go one’s own way йти своєю дорогою

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go one’s own way: «All right, Tom, go your own way, if that’s how you feel about it, but / wish you would listen to us just once».

110. to go out of one’s way лізти із шкіри

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go out of one’s way: «He went out of his way to show his interest for the offer made by his partner».

111. to go through fire and water пройти (крізь) вогонь і воду

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go through fire and water: «You know I would go through fire and water, my honey, to be with you».

112. To go through fire and water Пройти крізь вогонь і воду

113. to go to extremes вдаватися до крайнощів

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go to extremes: «Sue is always like that; she goes to extremes whenever she has to make her judgment about him».

114. to go to the dogs піти прахом

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go to the dogs: «Dan ruined himself, all his life went to the dogs».

115. to go with a run / to go with a swing йти як по маслу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to go with a run / to go with a swing: «We were happy that alt went with a swing».

116. to grease someone’s palm дати на лапу: to bribe

117. to grease someone’s palm Подмазати: to bribe

118. to grow / put down roots вростати корінням

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to grow / put down: «We have grown too many roots here to emigrate».

119. To hang by a thread. (букв. «Висіти на нитці») Висіти на волосині

120. to harp on the same string завести волинку

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to harp on the same string: «І wish you wouldn’t harp on the same string every time I drink coffee. I know already that it is bad for health, but I won’t give it up».

121. to have (put) all eggs in one basket ставити все на карту

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have (put) all eggs in one basket: «You can fail if you put all eggs in one basket».

122. to have a basinful / to have a bellyful / to be fed up to the teeth / back teeth ситий по горло

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a basinful / to have a bellyful / to be fed up to the teeth / back teeth: «Joe has spent the whole day telling me his endless stories about fishing. I’ve had a basinful of them».

123. to have a bone to pick with someone мати рахунки з

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a bone to pick with someone: «I have a bone to pick with you. My sister saw you take $5 bill out of my handbag this morning».

124. to have a card up one’s sleeve вийняти туз із рукава

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a card up one’s sleeve: «The future had a card up its sleeve which nothing at that time would have led him to expect».

125. to have a card up one’s sleeve мати козир про запас

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a card up one’s sleeve: «The future had a card up its sleeve which nothing at that point would have led him to expect».

126. to have a cheek / to have the nerve / to have the gall to мати нахабство

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a cheek / to have the nerve / to have the gall to: «He has a cheek to ask me for a loan the minute we were introduced» / «He has the nerve to pass judgment on what we do».

127. to have a finger in a pie докласти руку до чого-небудь

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a finger in a pie: «As soon as he heard there was to be a new program for gifted boys, he started preparing his own proposals. He has a finger in every pie».

128. to have a finger in every pie кожній бочці — затичка

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a finger in every pie: «When Phil heard there was to be a jumble sale, he was soon busy organizing the stalls. He has a finger in every pie».

129. to have a lump in one’s throat шматок у горлі застряг

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a lump in one’s throat: «I couldn’t say good — bye to her. I had a lump in my throat».

130. to have a nose for мати нюх

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a nose for: «She had a real nose for trouble».

131. to have a ready tongue за словом в кишеню не лізе

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a ready tongue: «These folks are really wise, they have a ready tongue for all kinds of questions».

132. to have a screw loose дах поїхав

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a screw loose: «He might have a screw loose, if he believes in all this».

133. to have a sharp tongue (to have a pointed way of thinking) мати гострий язик

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a sharp tongue: «He was afraid of her sharp tongue».

134. to have a tile loose гвинтика бракує

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a tile loose: «If Jesse accepts this, she must have a tile loose».

135. to have a tongue that runs away with one язик розв’язується (розв’язався)

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a tongue that runs away with one: «How your tongue ran away with you last night. You shouldn’t have told about your boss like that in front of so many people».

136. to have a way with one мати особливий підхід

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a way with one: «Mrs. Statford has a real way with her students. They agree with everything she says».

137. to have a word with someone на пару слів

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have a word with someone: «Would you come up to my room, Alice? I’d tike to have a word with you».

138. to have an eye for розумітися на чомусь

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have an eye for: «She had an eye for clothing and she wore it beautifully,»

139. to have at one’s fingertips / to know a place like the back / palm of one’s hand знати як свої п’ять пальців

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have at one’s fingertips: «He has parliamentary procedures and the rules and traditions of the House of Commons at his fingertips. »

140. to have blood on one’s hands обагряти (обагрити) руки в крові

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have blood on one’s hands: «I don’t think we should stop the surgeon operating; we don t want the patient’s blood on our hands».

141. to have come a long way далеко піти

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have come a long way: «You have come a long way since we last met. You were a clerk then and now you are the director of a publishing house».

142. to have itching fingers руки чухаються

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have itching fingers: «My fingers were itching to smack Jack’s face».

143. to have its origin in брати початок

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have its origin in: «The tradition has its origin in old times».

144. to have more (of something) in one’s finger than someone else has in his whole body мізинця не вартувати

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have more (of something) in one’s finger than someone else has in his whole body: «Steve has more skill in his little finger than you have in your whole body, which isn’t saying much».

145. to have not the foggiest idea не мати анінайменшого уявлення

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have not the foggiest idea: «I have not the foggiest idea what you are talking about».

146. to have one’s hair stand on end волосся стає дибки

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have one’s hair stand on end: «When a little girl heard the sound, her hair stood on end».

147. to have one’s hands full мати клопоту повний рот

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have one’s hands full: «Don’ t ask me to do anything else. / have my hands full looking after two children».

148. to have one’s head screwed on the right way мізки на місці (не дурень)

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have one’s head screwed on the right way: «Sofia was sure that her husband would take a wise decision; he had his head screwed on the right way».

149. to have one’s heart in the right place мати добрі наміри

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have one’s heart in the right place: «My uncle may look untidy, but his heart is in the right place».

150. to have one’s lips sealed тримати рот на замку

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have one’s lips sealed: «This is really confidential so, please, have your lips sealed».

151. to have only one pair of hands мати (усього лише) одну пару рук

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have only one pair of hands: «I can’t look after the children and cook the dinner at the same time; I’ve only got one pair of hands».

152. to have something hanging over one’s head висіти над головою

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have something hanging over one’s head: «This court case has been hanging over my head for the last three months. I shall be glad when it is over».

153. to have something on the brain сидіти цвяхом в голові

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have something on the brain: «My husband has his car on the brain. He talks about it all day long».

154. to have the words stick in one’s throat слова в горлі застрягли

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have the words stick in one’s throat: «I knew I had to tell something to console him at parting, but / couldn t. I had all the words stuck in my throat».

155. to have too much tongue що на розумі, то й на язику

156. to have / to bear / keep in mind мати на увазі

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to have / to bear / keep in mind: «We can propose several machines but what price do you have in mind»? / «You must bear in mind, my daughter is very young».

157. to hear Che grass grow / you could have heard a pin drop чути, як муха пролетить

158. to hide behind a woman’s skirts ховатися за бабину спідницю

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to hide behind a woman’s skirts: «It is not fair to hide behind Ann’s skirts now when someone should take responsibilities for what has happened».

159. to hit below the belt ударити нижче пояса

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to hit below the belt: «By laughing at him in his girl — friend’s presence, Jerry hit him below the belt».

160. to hit the bottle прикладатися до пляшки

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to hit the bottle: «Whenever he had a chance, he hit the bottle».

161. to hit the mark влучити в ціль

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to hit the mark: «Cerise’ s comments hit the mark every time».

162. to hit the nail on the head потрапити в точку

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to hit the nail on the head: «His answer hit the nail on the hedd and soon everything was settled».

163. to hold one’s head high тримати голову високо

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to hold one’s head high: «Now you have been acquitted on alt the charges, you can hold your head high».

164. to hold one’s horses притримати коней

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to hold one’s horses: «Hold your horses»!

165. to hold one’s peace притримати язик

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to hold one’s peace: «Bolivar stirred his sugary coffee and held his peace».

166. to hold one’s tongue тримати язик за зубами

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to hold one’s tongue: «If I tell him something in confidence, do you think he can be trusted to hold his tongue»?

167. to hope against hope сподіватися на диво

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to hope against hope: «We all hoped against hope that he would become better».

168. to jack up the price набити ціну

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to jack up the price: «The man tried his best to jack up the price, but all in vain».

169. to keep a low profile триматися в тіні

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep a low profile: «I had no idea my proposal would arouse jo much hostility. I had better keep a low profile for the next few months».

170. to keep a stiff upper lip зберігати повне самовладання

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep a stiff upper lip: «Lewis suffered dreadfully but he kept a stiff upper lip throughout his ordeal».

171. to keep body and soul together підтримувати існування

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep body and soul together: «When I lost my job, I could hardly enough keep body and soul together».

172. to keep in the dark тримати в невіданні

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep in the dark: «The family had been kept in the dark on the matter be fore the final solution was made».

173. to keep one’s ear open / to keep a weather eye open тримати вухо гостро

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep one’s ear open / to keep a weather eye open: «They soon went North; since then Augusts had kept his ears open for news that she was widowed». / «You should keep a weather eye open with people like that».

174. to keep one’s feel триматися на ногах

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep one’s feel: «After drinking the whole evening he found it difficult to keep his feet».

175. to keep one’s head above water триматися на плаву / поверхні

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep one’s head above water: «I am afraid Philip’s business isn’t doing at all well; he is barely keeping his head above water».

176. to keep one’s powder dry тримати порох сухим

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep one’s powder dry: «Put your trust in God and keep your powder dry».

177. to keep one’s word тримати (своє) слово

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep one’s word: «He promised his mother to keep his word».

178. to keep open house жити відкрито: to be at home to visitors at all the times; to offer them hospitality regardless of who they are

179. to keep track of бути в курсі подій

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep track of: «I try to keep track of all my old school friends, but it isn’t easy».

180. to keep within the letter of the law дотримуватися букви закону

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to keep within the letter of the law: «We shall try our best to keep within the letter of the law».

181. to kill oneself, to commit suicide накладати на себе руки

182. to kill two birds with one stone убити відразу двох зайців

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to kill two birds with one stone: «We can kilt two birds with one stone by combining our honeymoon with our business trip».

183. to knock one’s head against a brick wall битися головою об стіну

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to knock one’s head against a brick wall: «He couldn t possibly spend time trying to find Mary knocking his head against a brick wall, trying to make things right».

184. to know by name із чуток

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to know by name: to know a person’s name, but not to know him to speak to

185. to know one’s place знати своє місце

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to know one’s place: «Dan should know his place and avoid giving advice to the boss».

186. to know which side one’s bread is buttered бути собі на умі

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to know which side one’s bread is buttered: «He won’t do anything for you against Paul; he knows which side his bread is buttered».

187. to know which way the wind is blow ing тримати ніс за вітром

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to know which way the wind is blow ing: «He was distinguished by his ability to know which way the wind was blowing».

188. to know which way the wind is blowing / wait and see which way the wind is blowing знати, куди вітер дме

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to know which way the wind is blowing / wait and see which way the wind is blowing: «We should wait and see which way the wind is blowing».

189. to laugh in someone’s Face сміятися в обличчя

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to laugh in someone’s Face: «I told him that he was to blame for the accident, but he laughed in my face and told me I must he joking».

190. to laugh up one’s sleeve сміятися в рукав

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to laugh up one’s sleeve: «I noticed him laughing up his sleeve after you lost the game».

191. to lay a finger on пальцем доторкнутися

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lay a finger on: «If you lay a finger on this child, you will regret it».

192. to lay blame at someone else’s door валити з хворої голови на здорову

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lay blame at someone else’s door: «Don’ t lay blame at my door, you were the cause of delay not me».

193. to lay the corner-stone закласти наріжний камінь

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lay the corner-stone: the cornerstone is the most important part of the building

194. to lead a cat and dog life жити як кішка із собакою

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lead a cat and dog life: «They quarrel furiously most of the time. It is difficult to understand how can they lead this cat and dog life».

195. to lead a double life вести подвійне життя

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lead a double life: «The majority of pirates led a double life».

196. to learn (off) by heart вчити напам’ять

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to learn (off) by heart: «Our teacher makes us team all the poems off by heart».

197. to leave a lot to be desired залишає бажати кращого

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to leave a lot to be desired: «Although the prices at the restaurant were very high, the cuisine left a lot to be desired».

198. to leave no stone unturned докласти усіх старань: to spare no effort to obtain one’s end

199. to let sleeping dogs lie не чіпай лихо, поки сидить тихо

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to let sleeping dogs lie: «You must have known that mentioning his ex — wife would upset him. You should let sleeping dogs lie».

200. to lick one’s wounds зализувати рани

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lick one’s wounds: «She wanted to be alone to lick a few wounds».

201. to lick someone’s boots лизати п’яти

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lick someone’s boots: «Don ‘t you see, he tries to lick our boss’s boots all the time».

202. to lie through one’s teeth брехати без сорому і совісті

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lie through one’s teeth: «If Ted told you that he was in the meeting yesterday, he was lying through his teeth. We did not have any meeting yesterday».

203. to listen with half an ear слухати краєм вуха

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to listen with half an ear: «Susan listened to her mother with half an ear, her mind was overwhelmed with other problems».

204. to live beyond one’s means жити не за достатком

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to live beyond one’s means: «No won — der the Howards have gone bankrupt; they have been living beyond their means for years».

205. To live in clover. (букв. «Жити в конюшині») Кататися як сир в маслі

206. to live in the lap of luxury потопати в розкоші

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to live in the lap of luxury: «She lived in the lap of luxury when she was in Paris with Ted».

207. to look down one’s nose дивитися згори вниз

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to look down one’s nose: «At last David was able to understand the Americanos who looked down their noses at him, though what English he did speak, he spoke with an old Scotsman’s accent».

208. To look for a needle in a haystack Шукати голку в стозі сіна

209. to look through rosecoloured / tinted spectacles дивитися крізь рожеві окуляри

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to look through rosecoloured / tinted spectacles: «Sally always enjoys her visits, she sees everything through rosecoloured spectacles, but she would feel differently if she had to live there».

210. to lose count of time втратити відлік часу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lose count of time: «Have you lost count of time, brother? I have put two and twenty summers behind me».

211. to lose heart падати духом

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lose heart: «When the gymnast fell down from the bars he lost heart and did not complete his programme».

212. to lose one’s head втратити голову

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lose one’s head: «When the boat sprang a leak, Susan completely lost her head and began to scream hysterically».

213. to lose one’s nerve втратити мужність

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lose one’s nerve: «It is better not to lose your nerve in such a situation».

214. to lose temper / to fly off the handle / to go up in the air виходити / вийти з себе

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to lose temper / to fly off the handle / to go up in the air: «When I told Henry that I would have to charge him for the work I had done for him, he flew off the handle and started to yell at me». / «The interrogation went on and on, the questioner beginning to lose his temper».

215. to make a clean breast of the matter щиросердно зізнатися

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make a clean breast of the matter: «If you have stolen the money, you’d better make a clean breast of it to your father at once».

216. to make a fool of oneself сісти в калошу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make a fool of oneself: «Once more he made a fool of himself and told her something he ought not to have told, for she couldn’t keep secrets and ought not to be trusted».

217. to make a martyr of oneself строїти із себе мученика

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make a martyr of oneself: «Why don’t you take holidays like we all do? Are you making a martyr of yourself»?

218. to make a mental note of мотати собі на вус

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make a mental note of: «Alan shook his head not knowing the answer making a mental note to the medic Rob had mentioned».

219. to make a mental note of намотати собі на вус

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make a mental note of: «Alex made a mental note of everything he had heard in that room».

220. to make a mountain out of a molehill робити з мухи слона

221. To make a mountain out of molehill. (букв. «Робити гору з кротовини») Робити з мухи слона

222. to make a name for oneself завоювати добре ім’я

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make a name for oneself: «Christian has made a name for himself in printing».

223. to make a name for oneself зробити собі ім’я

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make a name for oneself: «As I recall, you made a name for youself by shooting Mexican bandits. I think you’d welcome the chance to polish your reputation a little».

224. to make a scene влаштувати сцену

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make a scene: «The bill is much too high, but for goodness sake let’s pay it rather than make a scene».

225. to make bricks without straw затівати безнадійну справу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make bricks without straw: «We were unable to give you an opinion because you did not give the information we needed. We can’t make bricks without straw».

226. to make eyes at стріляти очима

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make eyes at: «Don’ t try to make eyes at Fred, he is engaged».

227. to make faces корчити рожиці

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make faces: «Two teenage girls in the back of the car in front were giggling at him, making faces».

228. to make hay of something / to make hay with внести плутанину

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make hay of something / to make hay with: «He made hay of our discussion, there is no use to go on».

229. to make one’s flesh creep мурашки по шкірі бігають

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make one’s flesh creep: «It makes my flesh creep when / think about it».

230. to make one’s mouth water слинки потекли

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make one’s mouth water: «The conversation about food made my mouth water. I was so hungry».

231. to make someone blush / sweat засоромити / вганяти в піт

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make someone blush / sweat: «His tactless remark made her blush».

232. to make the blood run cold / to chill the blood кров стигне в жилах

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make the blood run cold / to chill the blood: «The sight of the man lying on the road wo$ enough to make Nancy’s blood run cold».

233. to make tracks for дати тягу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make tracks for: «It’ s getting late. We had better make tracks for home».

234. to make up for lost time надолужити згаяне

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to make up for lost time: «Maybe Sam was making up for lost time or may be something else, I don’t know».

235. to march / move / keep up with the times йти в ногу з часом

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to march / move / keep up with the times: «We have to march with the times, otherwise our clients will go elsewhere».

236. to mark time топтатися на місці

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to mark time: «The members of the Senate comnittee had to mark time until the Chairman arrived».

237. To measure another’s corn by one’s own bushel. (букв. «Міряти чуже зерно своїм власним бушелем») Міряти на свій аршин

238. to meet half-way йти назустріч

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to meet half-way: «You might meet us halfway. We agreed to support you and you will change your attitude to your work».

239. to milk the bull (ram) чекати з козла молока

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to milk the bull (ram): «It is stupid to expect anything from here; a mere case of milking the bull».

240. to miss the bus потяг пішов

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to miss the bus: «I am fifty years old but I still haven’t been promoted. Now it is too late; I’ve missed the bus».

241. to nip in the bud присікти в корені

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to nip in the bud: «They tried in vain to nip in the bud our plans».

242. to one’s fingertips до кінчиків пальців

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to one’s fingertips: «John was a bureaucrat to his fingertips».

243. to one’s heart’s content скільки душі завгодно

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to one’s heart’s content: «You have a cassette — player in your room, you can listen to the music to your heart i content».

244. to open old sores ятрити старі рани

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to open old sores: «Why did you talk to Fred about Father’s will? What was the point of opening old sores»?

245. to pay back in the same coin платити тією ж монетою

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to pay back in the same coin: «Roger has attacked us in the advertising overseas; we will pay him back in the same coin».

246. to pay through the nose платити утридорога

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to pay through the nose: «I did not have time to shop so I think I paid through the nose for this bag».

247. to pin one’s hopes on покладати надії

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to pin one’s hopes on: «We are pinning our hopes on our son’s talent to help us to survive».

248. to play cat and mouse грати в кішки-мишки

249. to play for time тягнути час

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to play for time: «We do not know the answer yet. I can play for time until Bill comes and helps us».

250. to play into someone’s hands грати на руку

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to play into someone’s hands: «You should never have confined your business troubles to your competitors. Now they can make matters worse for you. You have played into their hands».

251. to play safe діяти напевно

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to play safe: «You had better play safe and go to the railway station right now not to miss the last train».

252. to play second fiddle грати другу скрипку

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to play second fiddle: «She is playing second fiddle to her husband though she is as good as he is».

253. to play somebody a dirty trick підкласти свиню

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to play somebody a dirty trick: «It was he who played this dirty trick on us».

254. to play the fool валяти дурня

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to play the fool: «Walt played the fool with the children and they had fun».

255. to play the game грати за правилами: to be fair and honest in one’s dealings with other people

256. to play upon someone’s feelings грати почуттями

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to play upon someone’s feelings: «Don t let him play upon your feelings. He is only trying to get some money out of you».

257. To play with edge-tool. (букв. «Грати з гострим інструментом») Грати з вогнем

258. to play with fire грати з вогнем

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to play with fire: «I wouldn’t advise Kate what to do when she and her husband quarrel; you ‘ll be playing with fire if you do».

259. To plow through something. Перти як трактор

260. to poke one’s nose into someone else’s business сунути ніс в чужі справи

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to poke one’s nose into someone else’s business: «He has been poking his nose into my business again».

261. to pour one’s heart вилити душу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to pour one’s heart: «When we were alone, she poured out her heart to me about her broken marriage».

262. to pour out one’s heart відкривати своє серце

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to pour out one’s heart: «When her mother came to see her, Michelle poured out her heart about her unhappy marriage».

263. to praise to the skies / to crack one up to the nines звеличувати до небес

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to praise to the skies / to crack one up to the nines: «Don’ t crack Phil up to the nines, he does not deserve it».

264. to prick up one’s ears тримати вушка на макушці

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to prick up one’s ears: «She pricked up her ears when she heard her name mentioned».

265. to prick up one’s ears нагострити вуха

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to prick up one’s ears: «He pricked up his ears when they mentioned his name».

266. To promise the moon. (букв. «Обіцяти місяць») Обіцяти золоті гори

267. to pull oneself together узяти себе в руки

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to pull oneself together: «I told Ann to pull herself together and stop crying».

268. to pull someone’s leg морочити голову

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to pull someone’s leg: «Don’ t you un — derstand he is pulling his leg to amuse everybody here».

269. To pull strings. (букв. «Натягнути мотузки») Натиснути на всі кнопки

270. to pull the chestnuts out of the fire тягати каштани з вогню

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to pull the chestnuts out of the fire: «He wants us to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for him. And / am not going to do this».

271. To pull the devil by the tail (букв. «тягнути біса за хвіст») Битися як риба об лід

272. to put a bold face on something робити хорошу (веселу) міну при поганій грі

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put a bold face on something: «When Harry was told that he was dismissed, he put a bold face on it, and said that he had intended to take another job anyway».

273. to put a hole in one’s pocketbook бити по кишені

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put a hole in one’s pocketbook: «New prices for the materials which I needed to finish my project put a hole in my pocketbook».

274. to put a word (for) замовити слівце

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put a word (for): «Could you put a word for me, Nancy, when you see Mr. Jacobs tomorrow»?

275. to put on a pedestal ставити на п’єдестал

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put on a pedestal: «It’ s a pity that Helen puts all her friends on a pedestal. Sooner or later she is disillusioned, and all her friendships end in disappointment and bitterness».

276. to put on ice заморозити (проект, план)

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put on ice: «We are sorry, Andrew, but we ‘ve had to put your project on ice. We ‘ll have another look at it in two months’ period».

277. To put one’s tail between one’s legs. (букв. «Помістити хвіст між ніг») Підібрати хвіст

278. to put one’s foot in it потрапити в халепу

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put one’s foot in it: «You put your foot in it when you told him how much you admired his wife. Don’t you know they were divorced last year»?

279. to put one’s nose in the air задирати ніс

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put one’s nose in the air: «You put your nose in the air every time your back is against the wall».

280. to put someone in a strait-jacket одягнути кого-небудь в (надіти) гамівну сорочку

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put someone in a strait-jacket: «I feet as though I were in a strait-jacket. I cannot do anything without asking a permission».

281. to put someone in one’s place поставити кого-небудь на місце

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put someone in one’s place: «When the young guy took the lady by the hand, she promptly took her hand away from his, intending to put him in his place».

282. to put strings натискати на таємні пружини

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to put strings: «I wanted her to be happy in what she was doing, and I was prepared to put strings to help her on her way».

283. to rack / cudgel one’s brains розкинути мізками

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to rack / cudgel one’s brains: «You should rack your brains to solve this problem». / «Brian sat, trying to cudgel his tired brain into deciding what to do».

284. to rain cats and dogs дощ ллє як з відра

Приклад вживання фразеологізму to rain cats and dogs: «It has been raining cats and dogs for an hour already».

Фразеологізми англійської мови  та їх переклад на українську мову. to carry — to rain