T — to carry. Фразеологизмы английского языка и их перевод на русский язык

T — to carry. Фразеологизмы английского языка  и их перевод на русский язык

А — D E — S T — to carry to carry — to rain to raise — Y

1. table talk застольная беседа: light conversation at the table

2. take it or leave it либо да, либо нет

Пример употребления фразеологизма take it or leave it: «Fifty dollars is my lowest price for that second-hand air conditioner. Take it or leave it.»

3. tarred with the same brush из одного теста сделаны

Пример употребления фразеологизма tarred with the same brush: «I wouldn’t deal with anybody from this family, they are all tarred with the same brush.»

4. tell that to the marines расскажи это своей бабушке

5. Tenderse a la bartola (букв. «лечь кверху брюхом») Плевать в потолок

6. Tener un hambre de lobo (букв. «иметь волчий голод») Голодный как волк

7. that remains to be seen бабушка надвое сказала

Пример употребления фразеологизма that remains to be seen: «Paul might decide that someone was being paranoid about Mrs. Hungtington and gave up the assignment. Or he might not. That remains to be seen.»

8. That’s the heart of the matter. (букв. «Вот сердце вопроса (дела)») Вот где собака зарыта

9. that’s another cup of tea (that’s another matter) совсем другое дело

10. the Augean stables Авгиевы конюшни: a very dirty place that had to be cleaned before the work can be done

11. the Brain Drain утечка мозгов: the emigration of college and university graduates tempted by the higher salaries and better facilities утечка мозгов

12. the brain of a pigeon куриные мозги: to be quite brainless

13. the calm before the storm затишье перед бурей: a period of quiet before an upheaval or crisis

14. the confusion of Babylon Вавилонское столпотворение: an uproar

15. the corridors of power коридоры власти

16. the cream of society сливки общества: the aristocracy, the most highly favoured class

17. the devil will pay черт ногу сломит

18. the die is cast жребий брошен: your action is irrevocable

19. the dove of peace голубь: the dove has been a symbol of peace from the time immemorial. It was the dove which brought a message from God to Noah in the ark at the height of the flood

20. the end crowns the work конец — делу венец

21. the evil eye / to have an evil eye on someone дурной глаз: a menacing, ominous look

22. the fifth column пятая колонна: people in an occupied country who collaborated with the invaders

23. the fourth dimension четвертое измерение: an imaginary dimension in addition to length, breadth and height

24. the game is not worth the candle игра не стоит свеч

Пример употребления фразеологизма the game is not worth the candle: «I have tried to reorganize the company, but it!? hopeless. The game isn’t worth the candle.»

25. the game is up карта бита

Пример употребления фразеологизма the game is up: «The game is up; would you like to make a statement now?»

26. The Golden Age золотое век

Пример употребления фразеологизма The Golden Age: «The seventeenth century was the Golden Age for France.»

27. the golden rule золотое правило

Пример употребления фразеологизма the golden rule: «Never to be late is the golden rule.»

28. the Gordian knot Гордиев узел: a great difficulty, an almost insoluble problem

29. the great ones of the earth великие мира сего

30. the gutter press бульварная пресса

Пример употребления фразеологизма the gutter press: newspapers that publish materials on sex, voilence and scandal and thus promote their sale

31. the head of the family глава семьи: usually the father

32. the heart of the matter сущность / суть дела: the essential problem

33. the holy of holies святая святых

Пример употребления фразеологизма the holy of holies: «This theme is the holy of holies for her; do not even try to touch it.»

34. the horn of plenty рог изобилия: the symbol of abundance

35. the hub of the universe пуп земли: central figure

36. the iron curtain железный занавес: the military and political barrier which separated the Western democracies from the Warsaw Pact countries

37. the key position командная позиция: a position of vital strategic importance

38.  the key to the problem ключ к проблеме

Пример употребления фразеологизма the key to the problem: «This is very essential. I think that this is the key to the problem.»

39. the key word ключевое слово: the word that is necessary for breaking a code

40. the last straw последняя капля, переполнившая чашу

Пример употребления фразеологизма the last straw: «It’s the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.»

41. the last word in последнее слово (достижение)

Пример употребления фразеологизма the last word in: «The hotel is the last word in luxury and elegance.»

42. the law of the jungle закон джунглей

Пример употребления фразеологизма the law of the jungle: «The law of the jungle governs all in Free Market economy.»

43. the life and soul душа общества

Пример употребления фразеологизма the life and soul: «Jack is always the life and soul of the party.»

44. the lion’s share львиная доля

Пример употребления фразеологизма the lion’s share: «He wants the lion’s share for himself and for his client.»

45. the man of the year / the man of the day человек года

46. the massacre of innocents избиение младенцев: heartless treatment of children or young people, often used humorously

47. the old world Старый Свет: Europe, Asia and Africa, as distinct from North and South America

48. the other side of the coin оборотная сторона медали: the opposite. standpoint, showing the disadvantages as against the advantage

49. the picture of health кровь с молоком

Пример употребления фразеологизма the picture of health: «A young girl was the picture of health: rosy cheeks, bright eyes, shining teeth.»

50. the pink of perfection верх совершенства

Пример употребления фразеологизма the pink of perfection: «Her dancing was wonderful, graceful, expressive-the pink of perfection.»

51. the Procrustean bed Прокрустово ложе: forcible method of reducing people to one standard regardless of his own needs or wishes

52. the prodigal son блудный сын

Пример употребления фразеологизма the prodigal son: «Are you going to kill the fatted calf for the prodigal son, Tom?»

53. the proof of the pudding is in the eating не попробуешь — не узнаешь

Пример употребления фразеологизма the proof of the pudding is in the eating: «The yacht has elegant lines all right, but how will she sail? The proof of the pudding is in the eating.»

54. the rotten apple паршивая овца

Пример употребления фразеологизма the rotten apple: «His elder son was the rotten apple.»

55. the rush hour час пик

Пример употребления фразеологизма the rush hour: «She gazed out at the oncoming waves of the rush hour traffic.»

56. the salt of the earth (God’s elect, God’s own people) соль земли

Пример употребления фразеологизма the salt of the earth : «You are the salt of the earth.» (Matthew V.13)

57. the seven deadly sins семь смертных грехов: in the Christian religion these are

Пример употребления фразеологизма: pride, envy, anger, lust, sloth, avarice and gluttony

58. the ship of the desert корабль пустыни (верблюд) : the camel

59. the spadework черная работа

Пример употребления фразеологизма the spadework: «Just good old-fash-ioned spadework.»

60. the sword of Damocles Дамоклов меч: a sword suspended by a single thread, and ready to descend and kill the person sitting below it

61. the tip of the iceberg верхушка айсберга

Пример употребления фразеологизма the tip of the iceberg: «They have uncovered only the tip of the iceberg. The case is much more difficult.»

62. the top of the ladder вершина (служебной) лестницы

Пример употребления фразеологизма the top of the ladder: «If you want to get to the top of the ladder, you must work like a demon, and be completely ruthless.»

63. the tricks of the trade тонкости профессии

Пример употребления фразеологизма the tricks of the trade: «The old man knew a lot of tricks of the trade that you can’t learn out of book or at college.»

64. the Trojan horse троянский конь: a treacherous gift

65. the unwritten law неписаный закон: a law which is generally recognized, although it has not been committed to writing

66. the Venice of the North Северная Венеция: there are cities in the North of Europe which boast that they are comparable with Venice: Bruges, Amsterdam and Stockholm

67. the wheel of Fortune колесо фортуны: symbolizes the vicissitudes of life

68. the wind of change ветер перемен

Пример употребления фразеологизма the wind of change: «Young people hoped that the wind of change would breathe a new life in their country.»

69. the world to come на том свете: the life after death

70. there’s a time and place for everything всему свое место и время

Пример употребления фразеологизма there’s a time and place for everything: «I love to listen to funny jokes but not when I have much work to do. There’s a time and place for everything.»

71. Thin as a rake. (букв. «Худой как грабли») Худой как спичка

72. thirty pieces of silver (the money paid to Judas Iscariot for betraying Jesus Christ) тридцать сребреников

Пример употребления фразеологизма thirty pieces of silver: «You are a traitor. They bought you for thirty pieces of silver.”

73. through inexperience пo молодости лет

Пример употребления фразеологизма through inexperience: «Everybody agreed that they could forgive her; she had made this mistake through inexperience.»

74. till the cows come home после дождичка в четверг

75. time drags время тянется

Пример употребления фразеологизма time drags: «How time drags when one has to wait.»

76. to accept with both hands ухватиться обеими руками

Пример употребления фразеологизма to accept with both hands: «If I’d been in your place, I’d have accepted his offer with both hands. You won’t have a better one.»

77. to add fuel to the fire подливать масла в огонь

Пример употребления фразеологизма to add fuel to the fire: «He added fuel to the fire by telling her that it was a lie.»

78. to appear out of the blue как с неба свалиться

Пример употребления фразеологизма to appear out of the blue: «My brother suddenly appeared out of the blue yesterday. We hadn’t seen him for years and had given him up for dead.»

79. to backfire ударить рикошетом

Пример употребления фразеологизма to backfire: «The candidate’s plan to discredit his opponent backfired, and his own reputation suffered greatly.»

80. to bankrupt пустить по миру

81. To bare one’s heart. (букв. «Открыть сердце») Излить душу

82. to be a habitual liar врать как сивый мерин

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be a habitual liar: «How could you believe him. Everybody knows that he is a habitual liar.»

83. to be a law unto oneself закон не писан (для кого, кому)

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be a law unto oneself: «Executives of his eminence rarely bothered them-seh’es with the spadework but Cousins — as she’d begun to realize — was a law unto himself.»

84. to be a scapegoat (to be punished for the sins and mistakes of the others) быть козлом отпущения

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be a scapegoat: «They made him a scapegoat and made fun of him.»

85. to be able to count on the fingers / on the fingers of one hand на пальцах можно сосчитать

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be able to count on the fingers / on the fingers of one hand: «You can count on the fingers of your hand the number of times I approached him with any request.»

86. to be afraid of one’s own shadow бояться своей собственной тени

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be afraid of one’s own shadow: «This poor girl is in such a state now that she is afraid of her own shadow.»

87. to be all ears превратиться в слух

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be all ears: «What you say is very interesting. I am all ears.»

88. to be as different as cheese and chalk не иметь ничего общего

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be as different as cheese and chalk: «My husband and Max were like cheese and chalk.»

89. to be as hungry as a hunter быть голодным как волк

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be as hungry as a hunter: «After having worked in the garden he was as hungry as a hunter.»

90. to be as like as two peas быть похожими как две капли воды

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be as like as two peas: «The twin girls are as like as two peas.»

91. to be at loose ends оказаться не у дел

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be at loose ends: «He has been at loose ends ever since he quitted his job.»

92. to be at one’s wits’ end дойти до точки

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be at one’s wits’: «I was at my wits’ end. I could not find the solution of this problem alone.»

93. to be back on the track войти в колею

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be back on the track: «After Christmas all will be back on the track again.»

94. to be behind bars быть за решеткой

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be behind bars: «David would know. He’d been behind bars once. Her mother had put him there.»

95. to be behind the times отставать от времени

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be behind the times: «You are behind the times with your old washing machine.»

96. to be bored stiff / bored to tears умереть со скуки

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be bored stiff / bored to tears: “I am bored stiff by many of the television programmes.»

97. to be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth родиться в рубашке (в сорочке)

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth: «It was strange to him that someone who had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth could have grown up to become such a decent human being.»

98. To be busy as a bee. (букв. «Быть занятым как пчела») Вертеться как белка в колесе

99. to be confounded by the simplest problem заблудиться в трех соснах

100. to be eaten up with jealousy сгорать от ревности

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be eaten up with jealousy: «White looking at his friend’s wife, Dick was eaten up with jealousy.»

101. to be exhausted / to be falling off one’s feet Валиться с ног

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be exhausted / to be falling off one’s feet: «After this winter I feel exhausted, I really do.»

102. to be gathered to one’s fathers отправиться к праотцам: to die

103. to be green with envy лопаться от зависти

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be green with envy: «If she buys this dress, she’ll make her friends green with envy.»

104. to be grist to (or to bring grist to) someone’s mill лить воду на мельницу

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be grist to (or to bring grist to) someone’s mill: «Your appreciation of her work will be grist to her mill.»

105. to be head over heels in love with / to fall head over heels in love по уши влюбиться

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be head over heels in love with / to fall head over heels in love: «They are head over heels in love.»

106. to be hooked on попасться на крючок

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be hooked on: «He was hooked on, and soon got married.»

107. to be in (someone’s) black books / to be on the black list быть в черном списке

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be in (someone’s) black books / to be on the black list: to be on a list of persons under suspicion or incurred the disapproval of the authorities

108. to be in (the) seventh heaven / to be on Cloud Nine быть на седьмом небе от счастья

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be in (the) seventh heaven / to be on Cloud Nine: «Since her engagement to Paul, Alice has been on Cloud Nine.»

109. to be in a fog как в тумане

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be in a fog: «Barbara is all in a fog now about what to do next.»

110. to be in another’s shoes быть на чьем-то месте

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be in another’s shoes: «You failed your examination! Nobody would like to be in your shoes now. What will you do?»

111. to be in low waters сидеть на мели

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be in low waters: «Rolf is in low waters at the moment. He needs to be supported.»

112. to be in one’s birthday suit в чем мать родила: to be naked, just as one was born

113. to be in one’s element быть в своей стихии

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be in one’s element: «Huts half-built, timber everywhere, no proper sanitation, people sitting on the ground, nothing to eat but porridge and toast. But Dave was in his element! There was nothing that could stop him. »

114. to be in one’s right mind быть в здравом уме

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be in one’s right mind: «No one in his right mind would do a thing like that!»

115. to be in someone else’s skin быть в чьей-то шкуре

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be in someone else’s skin: «I was in his skin once and I know what he can feel after this accident.»

116. to be in the family way быть в интересном положении (быть беременной)

117. to be in the same boat быть в одной лодке

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be in the same boat: «We are affected by the same crisis, we are all in the same boat.»

118. to be in the swim быть в курсе дела

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be in the swim: «You do not know the results of the elections. Then you can’t be in the swim any more.»

119. to be led by the nose идти на поводу

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be led by the nose: «The boss was led by the nose by his secretary till she had spent all his money.»

120. to be left holding the bag остаться с носом

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be left holding the bag: «Be careful, don’t let yourself be left holding the bag.»

121. to be light-fingered быть нечистым на руку

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be light-fingered: «They are ashamed that their son is light-fingered, he steals whenever an opportunity arises.»

122. to be loose-tongued (to be garrulous, indiscreet) иметь длинный язык

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be loose-tongued: «A loose tongue is never welcome.»

123. to be on one’s (its) last legs доживать свои последние дни

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be on one’s (its) last legs: «Mr. Jones hasn’t enough money left to renew his stock; his business is on its last legs.»

124. to be on tenterhooks быть на крючке

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be on tenterhooks: «We ’ve been on tenterhooks the whole morning waiting for the results of the X-rays.»

125. to be on the books значиться в списках

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be on the books: «This institution is not on the books. / don’t think we will deal with it.»

126. to be on the edge быть на пределе

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be on the edge: «His nerves were on the edge from the constant noise coming from his neighbour’s room.»

127. to be out of hand отбиться от рук

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be out of hand: «When his son was in high school, the boy got out of hand.»

128. to be out of one’s head / mind / senses быть не в своем уме

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be out of one’s head / mind / senses: «Marshal must have been out of her mind to tell her boss about that.»

129. to be out on a limb находиться в скользком положении

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be out on a limb: «As soon as the organizers saw they were out on a limb, they cancelled their campaign.»

130. to be packed like sardines как сельди в бочке

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be packed like sardines: «We were packed like sardines on the train. I could hardly move my arm.»

131. to be sick to death замучиться до смерти

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be sick to death: «I am sick to death of his endless stories.»

132. to be stabbed in the back ПОЛУЧИТЬ УДАР В СПИНУ

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be stabbed in the back: «He has been my best friend for the last twenty years. I would never have dreamed he would stab me in the back like that.»

133. to be still wet behind the ears молоко на губах не обсохло

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be still wet behind the ears: «He will be no match for them; he is still wet behind the ears.»

134. to be tarred with the same brush одним миром (по)мазаны

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be tarred with the same brush: «It is better not to have anything to do with this family; they have all been tarred with the same brush.»

135. to be thick-skinned / to have a thick skin быть толстокожим

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be thick-skinned / to have a thick skin: «Do not worry, you won’t hurt his feelings. He is very thick-skinned.»

136. to be tickled to death умереть со смеху

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be tickled to death: «We were tickled to death when he had told us about his adventures in the mountains.»

137. to be tied / bound hand and foot руки связаны

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be tied / bound hand and foot: «I’d like to have holidays with you but I’m tied hand and foot to my business.»

138. To be under someone’s thumb (букв. «быть под чьим-либо большим пальцем») Быть у кого-либо под башмаком

139. to be under someone’s feet крутиться под ногами

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be under someone’s feet: «I can’t cook the lunch with you under my feet all the time.»

140. to be up to the ears in work / to have one’s hands full занят по уши

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be up to the ears in work / to have one’s hands full: «I cannot go to the theater tonight, I am up to the ears in work.» / «Don’t ask me to do anything else, I have my hands full with the children.»

141. to be up to the ears in work иметь работы по горло

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be up to the ears in work: «Is is useless to approach him with any request, he is up to the ears in work.»

142. to be wet to the skin промокнуть до нитки

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be wet to the skin: «We will be wet to the skin if we do not hurry.»

143. to be wide of mark бить мимо цели

Пример употребления фразеологизма to be wide of mark: «The auctioneer ‘s estimate was wide of the mark. He overvalued the picture by nearly half »

144. to be wide of the mark попасть пальцем в небо: inaccurate, wrong

145. to be / to have one’s head in the clouds витать в облаках

Пример употребления фразеологизма: «It is useless to deal with him. He has his head in the clouds. »

146. to bear one’s cross нести крест

Пример употребления фразеологизма to bear one’s cross: «To be under-estimated by men is the biggest cross I have had to bear.» (Barbara Tailor Bradford, Woman of Substance).

147. to bear / carry the palm получить пальму первенства: to signal one’s triumph

148. To beat about the bush. (букв. Околачиваться вокруг куста») Ходить вокруг да около

149. to beat one’s sword into a ploughshare перековать мечи на орала

Пример употребления фразеологизма to beat one’s sword into a ploughshare: «They shall beat their swords into ploughshares: nation shall not lift up sword against nation.» (Isaiah 11,4)

150. To beat the air. (букв. «Бить воздух») Переливать из пустого в порожнее

151. to become bloodshot налиться / наливаться кровью

Пример употребления фразеологизма to become bloodshot: «His eyes became bloodshot, it was clear that he was angry indeed.»

152. to bite one’s lip прикусить губу

Пример употребления фразеологизма to bite one’s lip: «She bit her Up for having made such a stupid mistake.»

153. to box the ears (to strike the ears hard, usually as punishment) дать по ушам

Пример употребления фразеологизма to box the ears: «You take that back or I’ll box your ears.»

154. to break one’s back гнуть спину (хребет)

Пример употребления фразеологизма to break one’s back: «Father has broken his back trying to keep this business going, but all in vain.»

155. to break one’s neck сломя шею

Пример употребления фразеологизма to break one’s neck: «You might have told me you were not coming. I nearly broke my neck getting to the station in time to meet your train.»

156. to break one’s word / to go back on one’s word брать (свои) слова обратно

Пример употребления фразеологизма to break one’s word / to go back on one’s word: «You can’t go back on your word now; without your help we shall be in trouble. »

157. to breathe (a) new life into someone вдохнуть жизнь в кого-либо

Пример употребления фразеологизма to breathe (a) new life into: «The hope that you gave me breathed a new life into me.»

158. to breathe down someone’s neck стоять над душой

Пример употребления фразеологизма to breathe down someone’s neck: «Ricky had kept a very low profile recently, probably because the police were breathing so close down his neck.»

159. to brief / to bring up to date / to put someone wise to вводить в курс дела

Пример употребления фразеологизма to brief / to bring up to date / to put someone wise to: «Ashley stood beside her uncle at the barbecue, trying to bring him up to date.» / «I thought that I had better put you wise as what’s going on here. Your project is being much criticized by the boss.»

160. to burn one’s boats сжечь (свои) корабли

Пример употребления фразеологизма to burn one’s boats: «He has resigned his position in the company. There was no returning. The boats were burned. »

161. to bury one’s head in the sand зарыть голову в песок

Пример употребления фразеологизма to bury one’s head in the sand: «He has buried his head in the sand and does not want to listen to everybody.»

162. to bury one’s talent зарыть талант в землю: to disregard one’s abilities and gifts

163. to buy a pig in a poke купить кота в мешке

Пример употребления фразеологизма to buy a pig in a poke: «What a pity you didn ‘t speak with me before buying this equipment. J am afraid you have bought a pig in a poke.”

164. To buy a pig in a poke. (букв. «Купить свинью в мешке») Купить кота в мешке

165. to call a spade a spade называть вещи своими именами

Пример употребления фразеологизма to call a spade a spade: «In our family we don t use a flowery language we call a spade a spade.»

166. To call a spade a spade. (букв. «Называть лопату лопатой») Называть вещи своими именами

167. to call the tune заказывать музыку

Пример употребления фразеологизма to call the tune: «You must do what your uncle asks. He is paying for your training so he has a right to call the tune.»

168. to carry / win the day одержать верх

Пример употребления фразеологизма to carry / win the day: «The debate was over; the opposition carried the day.»

169. to carry coals to Newcastle ехать в Тулу со своим самоваром

T — to carry. Фразеологизмы английского языка  и их перевод на русский язык