E — S. Фразеологизмы английского языка и их перевод на русский язык

E — S. Фразеологизмы английского языка  и их перевод на русский язык

А — D E — S T — to carry to carry — to rain to raise — Y

1. easily moved to tears глаза на мокром месте

Пример употребления фразеологизма easily moved to tears: «She has been easily moved to tears over the last several years.»

2. easy as ABC проще простого

3. Every cloud has a silver lining нет худа без добра

Пример употребления фразеологизма Every cloud has a silver lining: «Robert has tost his wife, which is a blow to him, but he met Jane who became his real helper. Every cloud has a silver lining.»

4. every dog has his day будет и на нашей улице праздник

Пример употребления фразеологизма every dog has his day: «Don’t be upset, nobody knows what life has in store for him. Every dog has his day.»

5. extremes meet крайности сходятся

6. face to face лицом к лицу

Пример употребления фразеологизма face to face: «Meeting Ernie face to face the social worker would be able to assess his needs and start work on Care Plan.»

7. fair and square Напрямую

Пример употребления фразеологизма fair and square: «I told Margaret fair and square what I thought of her friend.»

8. far and wide / inside out / backwards and forwards вдоль и поперек

9. fifty-fifty пятьдесят на пятьдесят

Пример употребления фразеологизма fifty-fifty: «His chances to win the game is only fifty-fifty.»

10. first fruit первые плоды

Пример употребления фразеологизма first fruit: «I am going to show you the first fruit from my work.»

11. first, last and all the times / once and for all раз и навсегда

Пример употребления фразеологизма first, last and all the times / once and for all: «Once and for all, do what I tell you! I won t say it again.»

12. flesh and blood плоть и кровь: human with all the weaknesses of human nature

13. for a change для разнообразия

Пример употребления фразеологизма for a change: «Let’s play another game for a change.»

14. for all the world like точь-в-точь

Пример употребления фразеологизма for all the world like: «Carol stood there in her mother’s long while dress, for all the world like her mother when she was Carol’s age.»

15. for all times во веки веков

16. for dear life изо всех сил

Пример употребления фразеологизма for dear life: «When the children saw the owner of the house they ran for dear life out of the garden.»

17. For God’s sake! Ради Бога!

Пример употребления фразеологизма For God’s sake!: «Don’t you think you ought to quit working so hard? Give the baby a rest, for God’s sake.»

18. for the sake of old limes / for old times’ sake в честь старой дружбы

Пример употребления фразеологизма for the sake of old limes/for old times’ sake: «I do not have much time, but I ‘ll talk to your son and try to persuade him for old limes’ sake.»

19. foul play нечестная игра

Пример употребления фразеологизма foul play: «It was foul play on his side.»

20. free as a bird вольная птица

Пример употребления фразеологизма free as a bird: «You can be free as a bird now.»

21. from (or living in) a different world / in a world of one’s own не от мира сего

Пример употребления фразеологизма from (or living in) a different world / in a world of one’s own: «I don’t think she is able to understand our problems, she is from a different world.»

22. from head to toe с головы до пят

Пример употребления фразеологизма from head to toe: «Susan was cherished by her parents, adored by Sly, protected by all of them. Money and security wrapped her from head to toe.»

23. from pillar to post от одной трудности к другой: to be driven all over the place; to find it impossible to settle down

24. from the bottom of one’s heart от чистого сердца

Пример употребления фразеологизма from the bottom of one’s heart: «We wished them every success in their work from the bottom of our hearts.»

25. from time to time время от времени

Пример употребления фразеологизма from time to time: «From time to time he stopped listening for shots, but the dark plains were quiet and peaceful, though it was on them that he had just seen the most violent and terrible things he had ever seen in his life.»

26. full cup полная чаша

Пример употребления фразеологизма full cup: «My cup was full. I was happy.»

27. fuss over nothing мышиная возня

Пример употребления фразеологизма fuss over nothing: «All her preparations are just fuss about nothing. I am sure nothing will come out of it.»

28. getting on in years / no spring chicken не первой молодости

Пример употребления фразеологизма getting on in years / no spring chicken: «She is no spring chicken to be dressed like that.»

29. gibberish набор слов

Пример употребления фразеологизма gibberish: «Now, the phrases would be meaningless, more fragments in the gibberish that passed for conversations, but once they would have meant everything.»

30. Girl Friday девочка на побегушках

Пример употребления фразеологизма Girl Friday: «Jenny was Girl Friday in our office.»

31. God forbid! Heaven forbid! Не дай Бог!

32. God knows! There, but for the grace of God, go I. Бог знает! Бог миловал

33. goose flesh / skin / pimples гусиная кожа

Пример употребления фразеологизма goose flesh / skin / pimples: «And then she closed her eyes, hugged herself as goose flesh raised the hairs all over her body.»

34. green / as green as grass желторотый

Пример употребления фразеологизма green / as green as grass: «You cannot expect this boy to do business with such person as Arthur. He is only twenty and as green as grass.»

35. habit cures habit клин клином вышибают

36. half the battle половина успеха

Пример употребления фразеологизма half the battle: «We have got the best equipment for the job; that is half the battle.»

37. hand in hand рука в руку

Пример употребления фразеологизма hand in hand: «They have been working hand in hand for three years.»

38. hands off! Руки прочь!

39. hang by a thread висеть на волоске

Пример употребления фразеологизма hang by a thread: «After the collision with a truck, Gregory’s life hung by a thread.»

40. hanky-panky двойная игра

Пример употребления фразеологизма hanky-panky: «The whole affair seemed to me hanky-panky.»

41. hard on someone’s heels / on the heels of / on the neck of по пятам

Пример употребления фразеологизма hard on someone’s heels / on the heels of / on the neck of: «The recession trod on the heels of the oil crisis.»

42. hard-boiled видавший виды

Пример употребления фразеологизма hard-boiled: «Jack is a hard-boiled policeman.»

43. have a heart сжальтесь, помилосердствуйте

Пример употребления фразеологизма have a heart: «I have translated ten pages for you today, and now you want me to do another ten. Have a heart!»

44. Have you lost your tongue? Ты что язык, проглотил?

He won’t set the Thames on fire. (букв. «Он не подожжет Темзу») Звёзд с неба не хватает

45. Heads or tails? Орел или решка?

46. heaven on earth рай на земле

Пример употребления фразеологизма heaven on earth: «After three difficult year of work, it seemed like heaven on earth to be on holidays.»

47. Hercules’ labour Геркулесов труд

Пример употребления фразеологизма Hercules’ labour: «That’s, too, is on the list of Hercules’ labour.»

48. honeymoon медовый месяц

Пример употребления фразеологизма honeymoon: «They could afford to spend their honeymoon on the islands.»

49. Hungry as a hunter. (букв. «Голодный как охотник») Голодный как волк

50. I to dot the i’s and cross the i’s поставить точки над и

Пример употребления фразеологизма I to dot the i’s and cross the t’s: «To dot the i’s and cross the t’s we should discuss all the details and make ourselves absolutely clear.»

51. if wishes were horses, (beggars would ride) если бы да кабы

52. in a big way на широкую ногу

Пример употребления фразеологизма in a big way: «His house is always full, he is so generous and does everything in a big way.»

53. in a word одним словом

Пример употребления фразеологизма in a word: «Susan is bored with the school, she dislikes her classmates and she quarrels with the teachers. In a word, she hates the school.»

54. in all conscience по совести говоря

Пример употребления фразеологизма in all conscience: «I should have thought that his charges were high enough in all conscience without his asking for any extra money.»

55. in any case / at any rate во всяком случае

Пример употребления фразеологизма in any case / at any rate: «At any rate, you can get some valuable information here.» / «In any case, you might have guessed she would be at the party.»

56. in any event так или иначе

Пример употребления фразеологизма in any event: «I’ll call you in any event.”

57.  in double harness в одной упряжке: two people working together

58. in full swing в полном разгаре

Пример употребления фразеологизма in full swing: «The party was in full swing by midnight.»

59. in grain по натуре (по характеру)

Пример употребления фразеологизма in grain: «He was a cowboy in grain.»

60. in one ear and out the other в одно ухо влетает, в другое вылетает

Пример употребления фразеологизма in one ear and out the other: «Everything I say to this boy goes in one ear and out the other.»

61. in other words другими словами

Пример употребления фразеологизма in other words: «We may kill if necessary, but we must not hate and enjoy hating. In other words, the feeling of resentment must be killed inside us.»

62. in particular в частности

Пример употребления фразеологизма in particular: «Among all the participants of the conference I remember him in particular.»

63. in place к месту

Пример употребления фразеологизма in place: «His warm socks were just in place, you know, for we had to take our shoes off, though the floor was so cold.»

64. in screw up one’s courage набраться храбрости

Пример употребления фразеологизма in screw up one’s courage: «Mark screwed up his courage and asked his boss for the rise in his wage.»

65. in short короче говоря

Пример употребления фразеологизма in short: «In short, you have to admit that you have lost this game.»

66. in the bloom of youth в расцвете лет

Пример употребления фразеологизма in the bloom of youth: «Mary is in the bloom of youth and she resembles her mother so much.»

67. in the dead of night ГЛУБОКОЙ НОЧЬЮ

Пример употребления фразеологизма in the dead of night: «There were at least a hundred good reasons she shouldn’t be in a cemetery in the dead of night.»

68. in the flesh во плоти

Пример употребления фразеологизма in the flesh: «He’d never met any of these men or women in the fiesh but they were like old friends.»

69. in the lap of the gods Бог его знает

Пример употребления фразеологизма in the lap of the gods: «It is in the lap of the gods whether we shall win or not.»

70. in the long run в конце концов

Пример употребления фразеологизма in the long run: «In the long run it is better to know the truth even if it hurts.»

71. in the open air под открытым небом

Пример употребления фразеологизма in the open air: «The family enjoyed spending their week-ends in the open air.»

72. in the pink в расцвете сил

Пример употребления фразеологизма in the pink: «He seems to be in the pink of health.»

73. in the teeth of the wind против ветра

Пример употребления фразеологизма in the teeth of the wind: «Though he knew about their strong opposition, nevertheless he made a decision to move in the teeth of the wind whatever it might cost him.»

74. in the twinkling of an eye в мгновение ока

Пример употребления фразеологизма in the twinkling of an eye: «This happened in the twinkling of an eye. I was not able to do anything.»

75. infectious laugh заразительный смех

Пример употребления фразеологизма infectious laugh: «Her laugh was so infectious that when she laughed, all class joined in though they didn ’t understand the joke.»

76. it must have been meat and drink to you хлебом не корми

Пример употребления фразеологизма it must have been meat and drink to you: «To listen to the music must have been meat and drink to you.»

77. It rains cats and dogs. (букв. «Дождь льёт кошками и собаками») Лить как из ведра

78. it runs in the blood в крови

Пример употребления фразеологизма it runs in the blood: «The Tews have been distinguished engineers for generations. It runs in the blood.»

79. it serves him right Так ему и надо!

80. it stands to reason само собой разумеется

Пример употребления фразеологизма it stands to reason: «It stands to reason that if the company is losing money, prices should be reduced to attract more customers.»

81. It’s a small world. (букв. «Мир мал») Мир тесен

82. It’s still all up in the air. (букв. «Это ещё всё в воздухе») Вилами на воде писано

83. it’s a small world мир тесен

Пример употребления фразеологизма it’s a small world: «When I was in London I met my former colleague in Oxford Street. It’s a small world!»

84. it’s in the bag дело в шляпе

Пример употребления фразеологизма it’s in the bag: «After two hours with the director I was offered a good position in the firm. It’s in the bag!»

85. it’s neck or nothing либо пан, либо пропал: you must risk everything

86. it’s not the end of the world это еще не конец света

Пример употребления фразеологизма it’s not the end of the world: «It’s a pity you are not going to Italy with us, but it’s not the end of the world you can go there next year.»

87. Jugar con el fuego Играть с огнем

88. just in case на всякий случай

Пример употребления фразеологизма just in case: «She dialed her own number, just in case.»

89. Just what the doctor ordered. (букв. «Как раз то, что доктор приказал») То, что доктор прописал

90. just what the doctor ordered как доктор прописал

Пример употребления фразеологизма just what the doctor ordered: «Thank you for your help. It was just what the doctor ordered!»

91. Later-alligator. (букв. «Позже – аллигатор») Потом суп с котом

92. lay hands on прибрать к рукам

Пример употребления фразеологизма lay hands on: «The two brothers have not laid hands on the mine but I am sure that very soon they will.»

93. like (greased) lightning / like a streak of lightning как молния

Пример употребления фразеологизма like (greased) lightning/like a streak of: «I’ve never seen anyone run so fast. This man ran like lightning across the field.»

94. Like a bolt from the blue (букв. «Как удар (грома) среди голубого неба») Как гром среди ясного неба

95. like a cat on hot bricks как на горячих углях / как на иголках: extremely awkward and uneasy

96. like a duck to water как рыба в воде

Пример употребления фразеологизма like a duck to water: «Although he had never been to the office before, he took to the routine like a duck to water.»

97. like a moth (that flies) round a light как мухи на мед

Пример употребления фразеологизма like a moth (that flies) round a light: like someone who is unable to resist temptation

98. like a red rag to a bull как красный цвет на быка

Пример употребления фразеологизма like a red rag to a bull: «Mention of his rival’s name was like a red rag to a bull to him.»

99. like a shot Пулей

Пример употребления фразеологизма like a shot: «I would run tike a shot if I heard that he wants to see me.»

100. like a weather-cock как флюгер

Пример употребления фразеологизма like a weather-cock: «Your son is so easily influenced, just like a weather-cock.»

101. like an ostrich как страус: with its head in the sand

102. like locusts как саранча

Пример употребления фразеологизма like locusts: «The poor relations swarmed like locusts around the rich man.»

103. like looking for a needle in a haystack как иголка в стогу (стоге) сена

Пример употребления фразеологизма like looking for a needle in a haystack: «We are moving and my room is such a mess; looking for your pencil will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.»

104. like rats leaving the sinking ship как крысы с тонущего корабля

Пример употребления фразеологизма like rats leaving the sinking ship: like traitors deserting the losing side in a contest

105. like talking to a brick wall как об стенку горох

Пример употребления фразеологизма like talking to a brick wall: «He is so dogmatic. It’s like talking to a brick wall arguing with him.

106. like two peas in a pod похожи как две капли воды

Пример употребления фразеологизма like two peas in a pod: «The two sisters were like two peas in a pod.»

107. listen to reason прислушаться к голосу рассудка

Пример употребления фразеологизма listen to reason: «I warned you that you shouldn ’t have gone to India but you wouldn’t listen to reason.»

108. live and let live сам живи и другим не мешай

Пример употребления фразеологизма live and let live: «What does it matter to you who your brother spends his free time with? / beleive in live and let live.»

109. live from hand to mouth перебиваться с хлеба на квас / воду

Пример употребления фразеологизма live from hand to mouth: «They lived from hand to mouth after their father’s death.»

110. lock, slock and barrel со всеми потрохами

Пример употребления фразеологизма lock, slock and barrel: «After having been devorced Mr. Nicholas had to sell the house and contents, lock, stock and barrel.»

111. Look what happened! / See what happened! Вот те (и) на!

112. lost sheep заблудшая овца

Пример употребления фразеологизма lost sheep: «Was it necessary to risk his life for that lost sheep?»

113. love in a cottage рай в шалаше

Пример употребления фразеологизма love in a cottage: «Their love in a cottage won’t last long.»

114. make yourself at home будьте как дома

Пример употребления фразеологизма make yourself at home: «Please, come in and make yourself at home.»

115. manna from heaven манна небесная: something that arrives unexpectedly as help for somebody having difficult times

116. milk teeth молочные зубы: first teeth

117. Mind your own business! Не ваше дело!

118. Mirlo blanco Белая ворона (букв. «белый дрозд»)

119. moral support моральная поддержка

Пример употребления фразеологизма moral support: «I am making my first speech at the meeting, I hope you will be there to give me moral support.»

120. more dead than alive ни жив ни мертв

Пример употребления фразеологизма more dead than alive: «Look at him. He seems to be more dead than alive.»

121. more or less более или менее

Пример употребления фразеологизма more or less: «What’s gone wrong?» — «Everything, more or less.»

122. mother tongue родной язык

Пример употребления фразеологизма mother tongue: «Though his mother tongue was Spanish, he spoke English without any accent.»

123. music to one’s ears бальзам на душу

Пример употребления фразеологизма music to one’s ears: «To hear such news must be a music to your ears.»

124. Nadar en la abundancia (букв. «плавать в изобилии») Кататься как сыр в масле

125. Nail drives out nail. (букв. «Гвоздь выгоняет гвоздь») Клин клином выбивать

126. near her time на сносях: approaching the moment when her baby will be born

127. neck and neck голова в голову: absolutely level

128. neither fish, flesh, fowl nor good red herring ни рыба ни мясо

Пример употребления фразеологизма neither fish, flesh, fowl nor good red herring: «This is neither a game of chance nor skill. It is niether fish, fowl nor good red herring.»

129. Neither here nor there. (букв. «Ни там ни здесь») Ни к селу ни к городу

130. nerves of steel стальные нервы: very strong nerves

131. never look a gift horse in the mouth дареному коню в зубы не смотрят

132. new brooms sweep cleaner новая метла чисто метет

Пример употребления фразеологизма new brooms sweep cleaner: «She lavished special favours on the rising stars; as a direct consequence she’d survived being swept away by countless administrative new brooms.»

133. no more shots in the locker ни гроша в кармане

Пример употребления фразеологизма no more shots in the locker: «It was hard to believe that there were no more shots in the locker. Something has to be done.»

134. no picnic это не шутка

Пример употребления фразеологизма no picnic: «This business is no picnic.»

135. Noah’s ark Ноев ковчег: place of safety, a means of rescue

136. not a leg to stand on не иметь под собой почвы

Пример употребления фразеологизма not a leg to stand on: «Mark accused the doctor of negligence, but when he admitted he hadn’t taken the medicine prescribed, he hadn’t a leg to stand on.»

137. not born yesterday не вчера родился

Пример употребления фразеологизма not born yesterday: «You won’t fool me with this trick. I wasn t born yesterday.»

138. not fit to hold a candle to в подметки не годится

Пример употребления фразеологизма not fit to hold a candle to: «She plays the violin quite well, but she isn’t Jit to hold a candle to her brother.»

139. not for all the world ни за что на свете

Пример употребления фразеологизма not for all the world: «My mother wouldn’t leave Paris for all the world.»

140. not for love or money ни за какие деньги (коврижки)

Пример употребления фразеологизма not for love or money: «The hotels at the coast are booked out at this time of the year; you can’t get a mom for love or money.»

141. not for nuts ни за что

142. not on your life ни в жизнь

Пример употребления фразеологизма not on your life: «They think you need to go to the hospital.» — «Not on your life.»

143. not to believe one’s eyes / not to believe one’s ears не верить своим глазам / ушам

Пример употребления фразеологизма not to believe one’s eyes / not to believe one’s ears: «When my sister relumed from the beauty parlour, she so changed so much that I could not believe my eyes.»

144. not to budge an inch не уступить ни на йоту

Пример употребления фразеологизма not to budge an inch: «Emilia was not going to budge an inch in this mailer.»

145. not to care a fig / not to give a fig for мне наплевать

Пример употребления фразеологизма not to care a fig / not to give a fig for: «I think it’s a sickness to grieve too much for those who never cared a fig for you.»

146. not to give two cents for ни в грош не ставить

Пример употребления фразеологизма not to give two cents for: «I don’t care two cents what he thinks about me.»

147. not to have a clue не иметь понятия

Пример употребления фразеологизма not to have a clue: «Robert hadn’t a clue where the cans had come from and didn’t care.»

148. not to let the grass grow under one’s feet не откладывая дела в долгий ящик: to waste no time in getting a task done

149. not to lift a finger палец о палец не ударить

Пример употребления фразеологизма not to lift a finger: «All the time we were staying there, the girl did not lift a finger to help her mother.»

150. not to see beyond the end of one’s nose не видеть дальше своего носа

Пример употребления фразеологизма not to see beyond the end of one’s nose: «He has no imagination. He can’t see beyond the end of his nose.»

151. not to see the wood for the trees не видеть деревьев из-за лесаx: not to see essential because of all the details

152. not worth a straw / not worth a fig выеденного яйца не стоит

Пример употребления фразеологизма not worth a straw / not worth a fig: «All that fuss about her marriage was not worth a straw.»

153. not worth two cents / not worth an old song грош цена

Пример употребления фразеологизма not worth two cents / not worth an old song: «His proposal is not worth an old song.» / «All this fuss isn’t worth two cents.»

154. nothing to write home about ничего особенного

Пример употребления фразеологизма nothing to write home about: «Alice plays the piano quite well but she’s nothing to write home about.»

155. of the first water чистейшей воды

Пример употребления фразеологизма of the first water: «Rubinstein was a musi¬cian of the first water, absolutely superb.»

156. off one’s hat на свой страх и риск

Пример употребления фразеологизма off one’s hat: «Mr. Lewis took this decision off his hat.»

157. on an empty stomach на голодный желудок

Пример употребления фразеологизма on an empty stomach: «You must take these pills on an empty stomach.»

158. On bended knee. (букв. «на согнутых коленях») На полусогнутых

159. on one’s hands and knees на четвереньках

Пример употребления фразеологизма on one’s hands and knees: «Since we do not want anybody see us we might be better if we crawl on our hands and knees.»

160. on the edge на пределе

Пример употребления фразеологизма on the edge: «The weekends went a little better, but his nerves were definitely on the edge by the time Friday arrived.»

161. on the run в бегах

Пример употребления фразеологизма on the run: «The killers are on the run, but it is only a question of time before they are caught.»

162. on the run на бегу

Пример употребления фразеологизма on the run: «She took a sandwich and ate it on the run.»

163. on the spot тут как тут

Пример употребления фразеологизма on the spot: «The police were on the spot when I had a car accident.»

164. on the tip of one’s tongue на кончике языка

Пример употребления фразеологизма on the tip of one’s tongue: «The name of the city was on the tip of my tongue just now; it will come back to me.»

165. on the top of the world на верху блаженства

Пример употребления фразеологизма on the top of the world: «Nobody expected Sarah would win this competition; she is on the top of the world.»

166. once in a blue moon в кои-то веки

Пример употребления фразеологизма once in a blue moon: «Unfortunately, my son comes to visit me once in a blue moon.»

167. one chance in a thousand один шанс из тысячи

Пример употребления фразеологизма: «By one chance in a thousand something hit our sun and made it to produce the planets.»

168. one for the road на посошок: a final drink before one leaves a social gathering

169. one in a thousand один из тысячи

Пример употребления фразеологизма one in a thousand: «She is one in a thousand, she has a splendid character.

170. one of these days is none of these days кормить завтраками

171. one of these days на днях: before long

172. One’s heart sank into one’s boots. (букв. «Сердце опустилось в ботинки») Душа ушла в пятки

173. one’s better half дражайшая половина: a humorous reference to one’s wife

174. one’s days are numbered дни сочтены

Пример употребления фразеологизма one’s days are numbered: «You may not think it, seeing all this fair land, but the days of the human race are numbered.»

175. one’s heart bleeds for someone сердце кровью обливается

Пример употребления фразеологизма one’s heart bleeds for someone: «My heart bleeds for you when I think that you won’t have any holidays this summer.»

176. one’s own flesh and blood чья-то плоть и кровь

Пример употребления фразеологизма one’s own flesh and blood: «You can’t cut yourself off from your son; after all, he is your own flesh and blood.»

177. one’s second wind второе дыхание

Пример употребления фразеологизма one’s second wind: «After a bad start, Paul got his second wind and tried again.»

178. open as a day ясно как Божий день

Пример употребления фразеологизма open as a day: «Open as a day, he made no secret of the fact that he was alone in the world.»

179. Open-hearted Душа нараспашку

180. out of mouths of babes and sucklings устами младенца

Пример употребления фразеологизма out of mouths of babes and sucklings: «Did you hear what your little son said? This is the truth that comes out of mouths of babes and sucklings.»

181. out of place не к месту

Пример употребления фразеологизма out of place: «The elegantly dressed woman felt out of place at the party where all the other women were wearing jeans.»

182. out of sight, out of mind с глаз долой — из сердца вон

Пример употребления фразеологизма out of sight, out of mind: «Out of sight, out of mind is the way of the world, but for me that’s no exuse.»

183. out of the blue как гром среди ясного неба

Пример употребления фразеологизма out of the blue: «Now, out of the blue, a Texan Ranger had shown up — one of the very ones who had partnered with Jake Spoon.»

184. out of the corner of one’s eye краем глаза

Пример употребления фразеологизма out of the corner of one’s eye: «And then J saw her out of the corner of my eye; she was so shy.»

185. out of the frying-pan into the fire / to jump out of the frying-pan into the fire из огня да в полымя

Пример употребления фразеологизма out of the frying-pan into the fire / to jump out of the frying-pan into the fire: «Joe changed his job because he wanted more freedom, but in his new job he couldn’t leave the office without the manager’s permission. It was a case of out of the frying-pan into the ftre.»

186. out of the jaws of death из объятий смерти

Пример употребления фразеологизма out of the jaws of death: «He was snatched from the jaws of death by his friend.»

187. out of this world из ряда вон выходящий

Пример употребления фразеологизма out of this world: «This house is really out of this world. I am sure you will buy it.»

188. over my dead body через мой труп

Пример употребления фразеологизма over my dead body: «He will never marry my daughter, it will be only over my dead body.»

189. over one’s head выше чьего-нибудь понимания

Пример употребления фразеологизма over one’s head: «They talked advanced mathematics. It was completely over my head.»

190. Packed like sardines (букв. «Набиты как сардины») Как сельдей в бочке

191. parrot-fashion / parrot like / parrot-wise повторять как попугай

192. Pay on the nail! Деньги на бочку!

193. (a) piliar(s) of society столпы общества

Пример употребления фразеологизма (a) piliar(s) of society: «Magnus was among pillars of society in the thirtieth.»

194. platonic love (love with no mixture of sexual passion) платоническая любовь

Пример употребления фразеологизма platonic love: «I really love her. In all the right ways. Platonic ways.»

195. plenty is no plague кашу маслом не испортишь

196. Prometheus fire Прометеев огонь: sacred fire burning in the heart of a man and giving him inspiration

197. Put it into your pipe and smoke it. (букв. «Положите в свою трубку и выкурите») Зарубить на носу

198. Rara avis Белая ворона (букв. «редкая птица»)

199. relations are rather strained натянутые отношения

Пример употребления фразеологизма relations are rather strained: «Since this terrible accident, the relations between these two countries have been rather strained.»

200. Rolling in money. (букв. «Кататься в деньгах») Денег куры не клюют

201. Rome was not built in a day Москва не сразу строилась

Пример употребления фразеологизма Rome was not built in a day: «That’s progressshe said. — Rome wasn t built in a day.»

202. root and branch коренным образом

Пример употребления фразеологизма root and branch: «The old customs in China have been destroyed root and branch by the new regime.»

203. round numbers округленные числа: an approximate number which is measured in tens, hun¬dreds, thousands

204. safe and sound цел и невредим

Пример употребления фразеологизма safe and sound: «The children arrived home safe and sound.»

205. Se parecen como dos gotas de agua Похожи как две капли воды

206. second nature вторая натура

Пример употребления фразеологизма second nature: «Lucy lies for the sake of lying. It has become second nature to her.»

207. second-guessing / wise after the events силен задним умом

Пример употребления фразеологизма second-guessing / wise after the events: «They were now second guessing criticizing the original decision.» / «You are being wise after the events. It is too late to change anything now.»

208. Shame on you! Как вам не стыдно!

Пример употребления фразеологизма Shame on you!: «Your mother is carrying a heavy bag and you let her do it. Shame on you!»

209. sick humour / sick joke черный юмор: humour that is morbid or sadistic

210. side by side бок о бок

Пример употребления фразеологизма side by side: «Working side by side with this wonderful man was a real pleasure for Bob.»

211. since time immemorial испокон веков

212. single-handed Единолично

Пример употребления фразеологизма single-handed: «I’ve told him you’re the one who cracked it. Single-handed.»

213. sixth sense (a supernatural sense in addition to the five senses — sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste) шестое чувство

Пример употребления фразеологизма sixth sense: «At the time, we hadn t any real evidence that he had done away his wife; we didn’t even know that she was dead. But expe¬rience supplies a sixth sense in such things, and we all had it.»

214. (all) skin and bones кожа да кости

Пример употребления фразеологизма(all) skin and bones: «The old man who was their leader was just skin and bones.»

215. Smell hell (букв. «Понюхать ад») Хлебнуть горя

216. so much the worse тем хуже

217. so to speak так сказать

Пример употребления фразеологизма so to speak: «Mr. Stout was, so to speak, the real boss, though he was only the company’s vice president.»

218. soap opera мыльная опера

Пример употребления фразеологизма soap opera: «Spencer’s mother in a floating negligee and matching robe made her appearance, her husband, in a velvet smoking jacket, following right behind. David felt as if he had stepped into a prime-time soap opera.»

219. soft in the head слаб на голову

Пример употребления фразеологизма soft in the head: «Tom must be soft in the head to have believed that story.»

220. soldiers of fortune солдаты удачи: men who offer their service to any state

221. Solomon’s judgment Соломоново решение: a wise decision to a complicated problem

222. something in the air / in the wind ходят слухи

Пример употребления фразеологизма something in the air / in the wind: «The clerks were whispering together in the office today; something is in the air.»

223. sooner or later рано или поздно

Пример употребления фразеологизма sooner or later: «He is big and mean, but sooner or later he’ll meet somebody bigger and meaner.»

224. sore subject / sore point наболевший вопрос

Пример употребления фразеологизма sore subject / sore point: «It is better not to speak about his failure, his sore subject.»

225. Spartan upbringing спартанское воспитание: a very severe upbringing

226. spick and span с иголочки

Пример употребления фразеологизма spick and span: «Everything is spick and span for our visitor.»

227. stolen fruit / forbidden fruit запретный плод

Пример употребления фразеологизма stolen fruit / forbidden fruit: «Forbidden fruit is always the most desirable.»

228. straight from the shoulder с плеча

Пример употребления фразеологизма straight from the shoulder: «George told her the plain truth straight from the shoulder.»

229. strike home попасть не в бровь, а в глаз

Пример употребления фразеологизма strike home: «When you mentioned her daughter you struck home.»

E — S. Фразеологизмы английского языка  и их перевод на русский язык